This repository contains code to perform recessive burden testing as seen in Chundru et al 2023.
The code requires a number of python packages. The easiest way to install all is to use the recessives_environment.yml:
conda env create -f recessives_environment.yml
The other required files are:
- CADD SNV and indel files (
- SpliceAI file ( - NOTE: only need to download the one ~27G file not the whole >300GB folder - filename: spliceai_scores.masked.snv.hg19.vcf.gz)
- REVEL file (
- VARITY file (
- ClinPred file (
- MOIPred file (
If you don't want to annotate with all of these then you can tweak the code to remove them, or if they are all annotated in the VEP string you can remove the annotation step and get them from the VEP
The code is set up to run in three steps.
The first step involves parsing the vcfs, extracting rare heterozygous and homozygous alternative genotypes in parents and probands, and annotating these genotypes with various metrics.
You will need:
- indexed VCF files (.vcf.gz or .bcf)
- pedigree file (tab delimited with header: "family_id individual_id dad_id mum_id sex affected")
- population table (tab delimited no header, columns - ID, GIA-group, GIA-subgroup)
- list of unrelated, unaffected parents
- QC metrics to use (Format = [ GQ, DP, P(AB), VQSLOD, FPASS ]. If genotypes not passing QC are already masked and variants removed, you can put 0,0,0,-1000,0 for both QC thresholds)
- all the metrics listed above (CADD, REVEL, etc.)
Edit the paths within and run ./
The output should have the header (or similar):
stable_id genotype is_proband child_id child_genotype dad_id dad_genotype mum_id mum_genotype child_inheritance parent_inheritance n_unaffected_homalt variant_class variant_id worst_vep_annotation_category worst_vep_annotation canonical_vep_annotation_category canonical_vep_annotation HGNC.symbol chrom position ref alt EUR1_unrelated_parents_popents_af SAS1_unrelated_parents_popents_af gnomAD2.1_AFR gnomAD2.1_AMR gnomAD2.1_EAS gnomAD2.1_FIN gnomAD2.1_NFE gnomAD2.1_SAS gnomAD2.1_ASJ population n_unrelated_parents_EUR1 n_unrelated_parents_SAS1 CADD_phred LOFTEE REVEL VARITYR_LOO VARITYER_LOO PolyPhen spliceai clinpred moipred_rp
The second step applies variant filters and calls compound heterozygous variants. Using these and the ROHs called in the sample we run a burden test for the following variant classes:
- LoF/LoF - loss of function biallelic
- LoF/Functional - loss of function - functional compound heterzygous variants
- Functional/Functional - functional biallelic variants
- Synonymous/Synonymous - synonymous biallelic variants
You will need:
- output from Step 1
- population table (same as from Step 1)
- pedigree (same as from Step 1)
- list of unrelated, unaffected parents (same as from Step 1)
- list of unrelated probands
- ROHs output from bcftools-roh (No header, columns: "RG", Sample, Chromosome, Start, End, Length(bp), Number of markers, Quality)
To run, edit the paths within and run ./
The output will be in two folders, parts/ and vars/
- parts/ will have the observed and expected number of biallelic genotypes per person for each gene, population, LD R2 pruning for ROH calling, and variant class.
- vars/ will have the observed biallelic variants
This aggregates the results from all the chunks and calculates the exome-wide burden and the per-gene enrichment
run Rscript results.R $OUTDIR
where OUTDIR is the directory containing the output folders from step2
If you have any issues/questions please get in touch via the issues tab on this repository or v.chundru [at]