- React webapp implemented with React 16, Redux for state management and Styled Components for styling.
- Every 10 minutes the app checks FX rates on https://api.fixer.io/, an open-source API for current and historical foreign exchange rates.
- If there are no FX rates data available all the input text fields are disabled.
- Tha initial balance is 15GBP, 0EUR and 0USD.
- If there are not enough founds to convert or if the initial value is 0, the exchange button is disabled.
- If there is an error downloading the FX rates, an alert icon will apper in the top right corner.
- If the error is fixed at the following api call, the alert icon disappers.
- Every time the app downloads data, a blue dot appers for a second in the central oval panel.
To install dependencies:
To run the project:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
To run the tests: