Features 🎉
Improved app start time via gzip / brotli compression (6x less data transferred)
Reduced app bundle size (removed fakerjs, replaced mathjs with expr-eval)
Added option to select app starting page
Implement mechanism to make the app wait for the database to be ready
Added dashboard prompt for navigating to the form or transaction list
Added scroll to error inside forms
Added support for sqlite database to docker image @ethyoo
Improvements 🎈
Show account and category icons transaction-list-items @avee87
Show account and category icons transaction-template-list-items @avee87
Added more general purpose icons
Improved the budgets list by showing currency + making it respect the dashboard hide amount @avee87
Updated UI to better show split-transactions info
Updated transaction-form to actually be read-only for split-transactions
Show account and category icons in the transactionst-list-item @avee87
Updated all frontend dependencies
Fixes 🔧
Assistant resets correctly when switching templates
Fixed transaction-template to show all relevant fields @avee87
Fixed removing category from transaction or transaction-template @avee87
Fixed budgets to use the actual limit instead of the interval amount
Various UI fixes (show only 2 decimal places @avee87 , budgets colors based on percent etc)
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