Open Trustly flow in another window modally. Implements the flow discussed here:
Supported platforms:
- iOS >= 8 (uses WKWebView)
- Android
Tested on cordova-ios >= 4.0.1 and cordova-android >= 5.1.0. It might work on older versions though.
To install this plugin, follow the Command-line Interface Guide.
$ cordova plugin add
function onDeviceReady() {
if (window.plugins && window.plugins.Trustly) {
function successCallback(response) {
function errorCallback(response) {
// Possible codes at the moment: 'cancelled', 'error'
console.log(response.code, response.message);
// This is the URL you received from Trustly after
// initiating one of their flows (deposit, selectaccount etc.)
var trustlyFlowURL = '';
// The endUrls are the possible redirects that you have sent to Trustly.
// The plugin will match each url with the next urls suffix
// A SuccessURL of '' would be matched with ['/trustly/success/'] for example
// See: (SuccessURL and FailURL)
var endUrls = ['/flow/done', '/flow/cancel'];
// If it matches one of the endUrls we will close the modal and execute the successCallback
trustlyFlowURL, endUrls,
successCallback, errorCallback