FreeBSD. Installing a FreeBSD system on the root with ZFS from MfsBSD running in rescue mode.
Feel free to share your feedback and report issues.
Contributions are welcome.
This role acts as a runner for a single
(That's why there is lite
in the role name too)
The role expects MfsBSD as standard
to be already running on the remote host (mini
is an insufficient set of packages, se
is oversized by the FreeBSD archives).
The role installs the python2 package and uploads the script
to host.
If you really need to create a ZFS pool with block devices with a block of 512 bytes, then use the
The script does the following:
- clears the disks specified in the script arguments.
- creates a ZFS pool and partition structure.
- unpacks FreeBSD archives from the specified FTP/http/https host.
- makes initial network settings and starts
. - downloads ssh keys (you will have to provide your http/https addresses).
- sets the password
(you can set your own password in the script arguments). Then the role itself will reboot the remote host on its own.
See the defaults/main.yml
and examples in vars.
- Install the role
shell> ansible-galaxy role install click0.freebsd_install_on_zfs_lite
- Look variables, e.g. in
You can override them in the playbook and inventory.
- Create playbook and inventory
shell> cat install_freebsd_in_mfsbsd.yml
- hosts: MfsBSD_server
gather_facts: false
# fiozl_mfsbsd_version: '12.2' # or 12
# fiozl_hostname: 'YOURHOSTNAME'
# fiozl_iface_list: 'vtnet0 fxp0 em0'
# fiozl_hostname: 'vb-12-3.2' # test name for DHCP # look Inventory
- click0.freebsd-install-on-zfs-lite
Commented options you may need.
shell> cat hosts
executable = /usr/local/bin/bash
ansible_shell_type = csh
# ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -q my-bastion-host"'
# or
# ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'
You may need another role that runs MfsBSD through a Linux host grub.
BSD 3-Clause
- Vladislav V. Prodan
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐ if this project helped you!