Key Features • Requirements • Setup Slack • How To Use • Related • License
- Control your cloud computer from Slack.
- Docker-compose
- A method to proxy webhooks from Slack to your local development machine
- In the docker-compose file we use WebhookRelay to achieve this, nGrok also works just fine
- Slack App for deployment
- Slack App for testing (Optional)
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd slackbot
# Install dependencies
$ docker run -v $PWD:/app -w /app node:11-alpine yarn
# Run the following with your USER token to create a .env file in the root directory
# NOTE: You will still need to populate a number of fields in the .env file
# NOTE: Your user will need access to the following scopes
# * channels:write
# * groups:write
# * files:write:user
$ yarn setup:test:environment token=
# Run stack
$ yarn docker:start