Repo to create skimmed ntuples from the output of ALPHA framework. Main features: trigger, kinematics, btagging selection; weights computation/handling; plot creation; higher level variables creation.
alp_analysis inherits classes from ALPHA framework. The latter has to be installed before, together with a CMSSW release. Execution from python scripts which call operators defined in interface folder.
Look at issue on GitHub and use this chat for discuss about the code:
Prerequisites git account, git environment set, CERN account.
Git instructions 0. In your working area, first set up the CMSSW release: ``` cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_12
cd CMSSW_8_0_12/src/ cmsenv git cms-init ```
Install packages needed by ALPHA: see README from ALPHA repo [https://github.com/cms-hh-pd/ALPHA#alpha]
Clone ALPHA and setup it: see README from ALPHA repo [https://github.com/cms-hh-pd/ALPHA#alpha] NOTE: clone it from cms-hh-pd repo:
bash git clone [email protected]:cms-hh-pd/ALPHA.git
Clone the alp_analysis git repository:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis git clone [email protected]:cms-hh-pd/alp_analysis.git
Compile the code:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/
scram b -j 8
and run it:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis/alp_analysis
python scripts/Selector.py
If you do not have ALPHA compiled do:
cd Analysis/alp_analysis/src/ root -l
.L ../src/alp_objects.h++
to apply object/event selection. it has option to get antitag CR and to run over mixed events. event tree and hemisphere tree are saved by default
python scripts/BaselineSelector.py -s signals -o def_cmva -i v2_20170606 (-a -m)
to create mixed events (baseline selector needs to be run after, to get standard ntuple structure). !!remember to use -a option to run in antitag CR!!
python scripts/MixingSelector.py -s Data -i def_cmva --comb appl (-a)
to select event in a specif range of the classifier. !!additional sample needed with classifier, run columns2tree from hh2bbbb_limit before!!
python scripts/ClfSelector.py -s Data_ -i 20171205 -o test
to get event selection for trigger efficiency studies.
to select only jets matched with gen
to apply trigger and get plots.
simple processing of the input data. No selection/object creation applied.
to count fraction of common events between two samples (for comparison with boosted analysis)
to apply default selection to ntuple with different pu (for tracker tdr studies)
to apply a baseline selection for ttH searches. output is a 'plain tree' with no structures.
to add plots (jets, dijets, dihiggs) on top of the input file
to get simple tree with one variable per branch. readable with a simple ROOT macro - no classes needed. Useful for students.
to re-weight input file not maintained
to create a pseudo-data with signal injected. not maintained
to get histogram comparison - pangea vs different benchmarks not maintained
to test different higgs mass selection not maintained
bare example of how to use operators.
v2_20170222-trg -> TT
v2_20170405 -> ttHbb
v2_20170222 -> Data
v2_20170606 -> signals