verifying otp on-chain: tutorial article
phat OTP is an on-chain OTP verification contract leveraging phat functions.
A user can generate an OTP sent to his XMTP inbox from a smart contract. and you can verify the OTP within the specified validity period.
The contract ignores requestId as only one OTP record can exist for a user at a time. if a user makes two requests within the max-OTP-validity period i.e. 5 minutes. The latter OTP overrides the former.
API - an OTP generating API, with the API private key, used to signer the OTP hash, later to be verified on-chain. The OTP's are not exposed on-chain, only the hash of the OTP can be sent on-chain.
contracts - the OTP contract inheriting the
contract -
core - the phat function.
# clone this repo
# cd into it
pnpm install
make install target=contracts # install deps on the contract folder
# fill in all the required environment variables
# you can copy all .env.examples for a start
# build the OTP contract
make build target=contracts
# deploy the OTP contract
cd packages/contracts
make deploy contract=OTP CHAIN=<MUMBAI | POLYGON> ## make sure to provide the required arguments
# start you server
cd packages/api
ts-node src/index.ts
# compile phat function
cd packages/core
# replace the api url with yours
pnpm build-functions
# run phat function
pnpm run-functions -a <abi.encoded(recipient, sender)> <api key>
# test locally
# you need to make sure your local api url is specified in phat function
pnpm localhost-test
# deploy your functions
# please refer to .env.examples to see the expected env variables
# make sure your api is deployed to cloud
# enter the url in the phat-func
pnpm deploy-test-function # for phala testnet
pnpm deploy-main-function # for phala mainnet
# copy your attestor address, and set your attestor in the contract you deployed.