Added logic to manually clear active call object using CometChat.clearActiveCall() when a call ends unexpectedly, allowing subsequent call initiation.
Fixed an issue in CometChatCallLogs where applying a custom request builder caused unknown items to appear in the call list.
Fixed crash in the CometChatGroupsWithMessages component that occurred after applying createGroupStyle.
Fixed the issue where the Create Group icon's tint color could not be updated.
Resolved the issue preventing updates to the Create Group icon using XML attributes.
Fixed the issue where the back button icon in the Create Group component was not updating properly.
Fixed an issue where the subtitle text appearance was not being applied correctly.
Removed unnecessary top space between the title and list items in the CometChatCallLogs component.
Corrected AvatarStyle functionality in CometChatOutgoingCall and CometChatIncomingCall components to ensure proper appearance.
Resolved issue with setSearchRequestBuilder in CometChatBannedMembers component to ensure proper functionality.
Fixed alignment and cursor visibility issues in the Join Protected Group Password Input component.
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