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continuousphp SDK

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continuousphp SDK enables PHP developers to use continuousphp in their PHP code.


Install this package through Composer by adding this package in the require section

"require": {
    "continuousphp/sdk": "~0.3"


Initialize the SDK

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$service = Continuous\Sdk\Service::factory();

Or use an access token to enable private data access

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$service = Continuous\Sdk\Service::factory(['token' => 'my-access-token']);

Another way to use your access token consist in declaring it in CPHP_TOKEN environment variable

Get your repository list

$projects = $service->getRepositories();

Get your project list

$projects = $service->getProjects();

Get a specific project

$project = $service->getProject([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk'

Create a specific project

$project = $service->createProject([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk'

Get the deployment pipelines of a specific project

$project = $service->getPipelines([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk'

Put a deployment pipelines of a specific project

$project = $service->putPipeline([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk',
    'ref' => 'refs/heads/master',
    'phpVersions' => [ '5.3.3', '5.3.max', '5.4.max', '5.5.max' ],
    'preparePhingTargets' => [ 'clean-up', 'setup-env', 'doctrine-proxies' ],
    'preDeployPhingTargets' => [ 'clean-up2', 'setup-env2', 'doctrine-proxies2' ],
    'preparePhingVariables' => [
        'env' => 'testing',
        'hostname' => ''
    'preDeployPhingVariables' => [
        'env' => 'production',
        'hostname' => ''
    'prepareShellCommands => [
        'cd /path/to/folder1a; mkdir subfolder1a',
        'cd /path/to/folder1b; mkdir subfolder1b'
    'preDeployShellCommands' => [
        'cd /path/to/folder2a; mkdir subfolder2a',
        'cd /path/to/folder2b; mkdir subfolder2b'
    'deployOnSuccess' => '1',
    'createGitHubRelease' => '1',
    'packageRootPath' => '/path/to/package/root'
    'composerPath' => '/path/to/composer',
    'enableComposerCache' => '1',
    'runComposerHooksInPrepare' => '1',
    'runComposerHooksInPackage' => '1',
    'phingPath' => '/path/to/phing'
    'enabledTests' => [
            'type' => 'phpunit',
            'paths' => [ '/path/one', '/path/two' ],
            'blocking' => '1',
            'phingTargets' => [ 'reset-db', 'insert-fixtures' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'testing',
                'hostname' => ''
            'shellCommands' => [
                'cd /path/to/folder3a; mkdir subfolder3a',
                'cd /path/to/folder3b; mkdir subfolder3b'
            'type' => 'atoum',
            'paths' => [ '/path/three', '/path/four' ],
            'configFiles' => [ '/config/one', '/config/two' ],
            'bootstrapFile' => '/path/to/bootstrap/file',
            'blocking' => '0',
            'phingTargets' => [ 'reset-db2', 'insert-fixtures2' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'staging',
                'hostname' => ''
            'type' => 'phpcs',
            'paths' => [ '/path/five', '/path/six' ],
            'blocking' => '0',
            'phingTargets' => [ 'reset-db2', 'insert-fixtures2' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'staging',
                'hostname' => ''
            'container' => '5.3.3'
            'type' => 'codeception',
            'paths' => [ '/path/seven', '/path/eight' ],
            'blocking' => '1',
            'phingTargets => [ 'reset-db3', 'insert-fixtures3' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'production',
                'hostname' => ''
            'type' => 'phpspec',
            'paths' => [ '/path/nine', '/path/ten' ],
            'blocking' => '1',
            'phingTargets' => [ 'reset-db4', 'insert-fixtures4' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'production',
                'hostname' => ''
            'type' => 'phpbench',
            'paths' => [ '/path/ten', '/path/eleven' ],
            'blocking' => '1',
            'phingTargets' => [ 'reset-db5', 'insert-fixtures5' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'staging',
                'hostname' => ''
            'type' => 'behat',
            'paths' => [ '/path/ten', '/path/eleven' ],
            'blocking' => '1',
            'useProgressFormatter' => '1',
            'phingTargets' => [ 'reset-db6', 'insert-fixtures6' ],
            'phingVariables' => [
                'env' => 'staging',
                'hostname' => '',
    'deployment' => [
        'type' => 'tarball',
        'destinations' => [
                'name' => 'my first destination',
                'url' => '<url1>',
                'pullRequest' => '1',
                'name' => 'my second destination',
                'url' => '<url2>',
                'pullRequest' => '0'
                'name' => 'my third destination',
                'url' => '<url3>'
    'notificationHooks' => [
            'type' => 'slack',
            'url' => ''
            'events' => [
                'createBuild' => '1',
                'buildSuccess' => '1'
            'type' => 'irc',
            'url' => '',
            'channel' => '#testchannel',                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
            'port' => '1234',
            'events' => [
                'createBuild' => '1',
                'buildFail' => '1'

Get the successful and in warning build list for a specific branch

$builds = $service->getBuilds([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk',
    'ref' => 'refs/heads/master',
    'state' => ['complete'],
    'result' => ['success', 'warning']

Start a new build for a specific branch

$builds = $service->startBuild([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk',
    'ref' => 'refs/heads/master'

Start a new build for a specific Pull Request

$builds = $service->startBuild([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk',
    'pull_request' => '21'

Get the package download url of the last build

$package = $service->getPackage([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk',
    'buildId' => $builds['_embedded']['builds'][0]['buildId'],
    'packageType' => 'deploy'
$url = $package['url'];

Download the package of the last build

$package = $service->downloadPackage([
    'provider' => 'git-hub',
    'repository' => 'continuousphp/sdk',
    'buildId' => $builds['_embedded']['builds'][0]['buildId'],
    'packageType' => 'deploy',
    'destination' => '/path-to-destination-folder'
$packagePath = $package['path'];