yarn build
Similarly, to run tests in Foundry execute yarn test
If you don't have the foundry installed, please see Foundry installation.
Learn how to use Forge-Std with the 📖 Foundry Book (Forge-Std Guide).
yarn deploy-denylist --contract [=CONTRACT-NAME] [--args [=CONTRACT-CONSTRUCTOR-ARGUMENTS]
For example: yarn deploy-denylist --contract TransactionFiltererDenyList --args "addr1,addr2"
yarn update-denylist --contract [=CONTRACT-ADDRESS] --list [=Addresses should add or remove from the denylist] [--remove]
To add some addresses to the denylist: yarn deploy-denylist --contract [contract-deployed-address] --list "addr1,addr2,..."
To add remove addresses to the denylist: yarn deploy-denylist --contract [contract-deployed-address] --list "addr1,addr2,... --remove"
yarn deploy-middleware
yarn approve-token-middleware --contract [=CONTRACT-ADDRESS] --amount [=AMOUNT]
Set in .env
npx hardhat verify [contract-address] --network sepolia