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Philip Crotwell edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 1 revision

Using with an uberjar

This can be used with macAppBundle 2.1.7-SNAPSHOT or later.

To use with an uberjar or other system that effects the list of jars you want to run against, for example using the Shadow plugin:

macAppBundle {
    mainClassName = "gui.TestSketch"
    runtimeConfigurationName = 'shadow'
    jarTask = 'shadowJar'

The runtimeConfigurationName parameter changes the default configuration, ie list of dependency jars, from the default Java Plugin's runtime configuration. In the case of the Shadow plugin, they create a shadow configuration which holds any extra jars that are needed.

The jarTask is the task that creates the jar you wish to use. The default is the Java Plugin's jar task. Shadow provides a shadowJar task that creates the uberjar.

Internally both the generatePlist and copyToResourcesJava tasks are set to depend on the given jarTask. The copyToResourcesJava copies both the output of jarTask and everything in the runtimeConfigurationName configuration to the app bundle jarSubdir directory, usually Contents/Java.

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