Centralize your job search experience with a user-friendly platform.
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Backend Repo
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Disclaimer: it might take 10-30 sec for the page to fully renderTable of Contents
Application was built with a React frontend, Express backend, and Postgres database. Express backend implemented with test-driven development (TDD). Frontend and backend hosted on Render and database hosted on ElephantSQL
- React component hierarchy design
- Separation of concerns between logic and UI displays
- React state and context management
- Token retrieval via localStorage
- Building protective routes via React Router
- Creating a helper API to centralize data requests
- Authentication and authorization with middleware and JWT tokens
- Protection against SQL injection attacks via parameterized queries
- Designing RESTful APIs and database schemas
- Form validation with JSON schemas
- Test-driven development and coverage
- Bcrypt hashing
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.
- Clone frontend and back repos
git clone https://github.com/crystal-tran/react-jobly-frontend.git git clone https://github.com/crystal-tran/express-jobly-backend.git
- Create and seed database
createdb jobly cd express-jobly-backend psql jobly < jobly.sql
- Install backend dependencies and run backend server
cd express-jobly-backend npm install npm start
- In a separate terminal, install frontend dependencies and run frontend server
cd react-jobly-frontend npm install npm start
- View on http://localhost:3000
- Nick Orsi : Frontend Co-author
- Veronica Ni : Backend Co-author