Objective - Development of small battery powered device for long-range, mesh-ish, communciation. The project has the following goals:
- Utilization of HAM radio privlages for power (lets make HAM cool again!)
- Cellphone will be used as terminal for device; therefore the device will need to communicate over BLE or Wi-Fi.
- The device will implement the APRS protocol over LoRa and have the option to work as Digi-Repeater (if the cellphone has service), normal Repeater (if the cellphone is without server), and an APRS client.
- The project should offer two physical implementaion, the first utilzing the HelTec-LoRa-32 board and the second using a custom board with an intergrated PA and improved RF paths.
- ESP32
- 4MB Flash
- LoRa Semtech SX1278 Transciever
- Cellphone (Running Droid APRS or custom software)