A operator that injects the jacoco agent into pods so you can collect coverage data when running tests against Java services deployed in kubernetes.
If you don't already have cert manager installed you will need to run:
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io && helm repo update && \
helm upgrade --install --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --set installCRDs=true --debug --wait
Add the helm repos helm repo add k8s https://curium-rocks.github.io/k8s-jacoco-operator
fetch updates helm repo update
Verify it worked helm search repo k8s
and you should see something like.
k8s/k8s-jacoco-operator... 0.1.0 0.1.0 ......
Deploy the operator helm upgrade --install jacoco-operator k8s/k8s-jacoco-operator
Once you've deployed the operator you can add the following annotations to your pods in the same namespace and they will have the jacoco agent copied in and the appropriate env vars set so the agent used and the code is instrumented.
jacoco-operator.curium.rocks/inject: 'true',
jacoco-operator.curium.rocks/target-containers: 'api'
Coverage data will be saved to a PVC on process exit, you can force this with a rollout on a deployment or using exec to send a SIGINT signal to the process.
The following scripts are included in the NPM project configuration
lints the source code using eslintlint:fix
automatically fixes any lint errors that can be fixed automaticallytest
uses jest to run test suitestest:e2e
runs e2e test suite, this requires an active helm:deploybuild
compiles the typescript into js and places it in thedist
builds the container imageminikube:start
create a minikube k8s clusterminikube:stop
stop minikube but do not deleteminikube:delete
delete the minikube clusterhelm:addRepos
adds helm reposhelm:deployCertManager
deploy cert-manager for TLShelm:deploy
deploy the app to k8s using helmhelm:template
print the k8s yaml that would be applied to k8s when usinghelm:deploy
remove the app from k8shelm:uninstallCertManager
remove cert-manager from the k8s cluster