This repository contains all of the training materials for the course, Data Science with Unix, SQL, R, and Python.
Mac computer:
- Open a Terminal window
- Navigate to the folder where you want to download the data-science-with-unix-sql-r-python folder
For example, to download the data-science-with-unix-sql-r-python folder onto your Desktop:
First, type the following and then hit Enter:cd
Second, type the following and then hit Enter:cd Desktop/
- Download the data-science-with-unix-sql-r-python folder by typing the following and then hitting Enter:
git clone
- Follow the instructions in the file, Set-Up-Instructions-MAC.txt, to install the required applications.
Windows computer:
- Go to:
- Click the 'Download ZIP' button in the header bar above the repository's folders and files
- Click on the zipped folder to open it in File Explorer
- Click 'Extract all'
- Edit the path to save the data-science-with-unix-sql-r-python folder on your Desktop
- Click 'Extract'
- Follow the instructions in the file, Set-Up-Instructions-WINDOWS.txt, to install the required applications.