OSIAM is a secure identity management backend providing REST based services for authentication and authorization. We achieve this by implementing two important open standards:
OSIAM is published under the MIT licence, giving you the maximum freedom to utilize OSIAM within you project or product.
For technical information and documentation visit the wiki. For additional information visit our official website at www.osiam.org.
The current version can be found at http://maven-repo.evolvis.org/releases/org/osiam/osiam-server-parent/.
OSIAM is built with Apache Maven. The module structure is:
- resource-server -- contains the source for the OSIAM Resource Server -> Wiki
- auth-server -- contains the source for the OSIAM Auth Server -> Wiki
- distribution -- creates and deploys the distribution archives
- Java 1.7
- PostgreSQL 9.2
- Tomcat 7.0
- At least 2GB RAM
Issues, bugs, and change and feature requests can be brought to us at the issue tracker.