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Simple and fast carousel slider written in vannila JS.

Browser compatibility: IE10+, Edge 15+, Chrome 37+, Firefox 32+, Opera 23+, Safari 6.2+, Safari iOS 9+

(May work on older browsers but these are minimum versions tested.)

Getting started

This package can be installed with:

  • npm: npm i ddcarousel

Or download the latest release.



Put the required base style and script:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ddcarousel.min.css" />
<script src="js/ddcarousel.min.js"></script>


Wrap all items in container (ddcarousel is required class)

<div class="sample ddcarousel">
	<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
	<div>Lorem ipsum Placeat corrupti minus quia alias ullam error commodi recusandae dolores.</div>

Call the plugin when page is ready:

	container: ".sample"


var config = {
	container: ".sample"
carousel = ddcarousel();

You can also import is as module. I tested it on React and it seems to work fine.

import 'ddcarousel/dist/ddcarousel.min.css';
import ddcarousel from 'ddcarousel';


  • container - Slider container ID or class (string, required)

  • items - Items per page (int, default: 1)

  • itemPerPage - One item per page (boolean, default: false)

  • nav - Show prev/next text (boolean, default: false)

  • dots - Show dots (boolean, default: true)

  • autoHeight - Change height based on current slide (boolean, default: true)

  • fullWidth - Set container to full width (boolean, default: true)

  • centerSlide - Centered slide (boolean, default: false)

  • startPage - Set starting page (int, default: -1)

  • responsive - Object with options for different queries (object, default: empty object)

  • urlNav - Creates url navigation based navigation for slides (you may need to enagle itemPerPage for better experience). To use this feature, you must add data-id and data-title on every slide you want to include in nativagion. (boolean, default: false)

  • touchDrag - Toggle touch drag (boolean, default: true)

  • mouseDrag - Toggle mouse drag (boolean, default: false)

  • vertical - Change to vertical orientation (boolean, default: false)

  • verticalMaxContentWidth (new) - Changes the width of the carousel relative to the longest slide inside. When enabled it will turn off fullWidth option (boolean, default: false)

  • autoplay - Autoplay feature (boolean, default: false)

  • autoplaySpeed - Autoplay interval timeout (int, default: 2000)

  • autoplayPauseHover - Pause autoplay on hover or touch (boolean, default: false)

  • callbacks - Enable callback events (boolean, default: false)

  • labelNavPrev - Label for nav previous button (string, default: "< Prev")

  • labelNavNext - Label for nav next button (string, default: "Next >")

  • touchSwipeThreshold - Changing slide sensitivity (int, default: 60)

  • touchMaxSlideDist - Max swiping distance (int, default: 500)

  • slideChangeDuration - Animation speed when changin slide (int, default: 0.5)

  • swipeSmooth - Swiping smoothness (int, default: 0)

  • resizeRefresh - Refresh rate of slider when resizing (int, default: 200)


  • init() (new) - Initialize carousel with config as method parameter.

  • destroy() (new) - Destroy carousel. (revert container to state before initialization or fully wipe it with destroy(true))

  • prevPage() - Go to previous page

  • nextPage() - Go to next page

  • changePage(id, enableAnim); - Go to specified page (first parameter is page number: usable values - "next", "prev" or number; second parameter is toggling animation on/off when switching between pages)

  • refresh() - Refresh carousel. Usable for example when changing carousel container size.

  • on(event, callback) - Event listener

  • goToUrl(name, enableAnim) - Go to specified slide title. urlNav must be enabled for this to work.

  • autoplayStart() - Start autoplay (if enabled from options)

  • autoplayStop() - Stop autoplay (if enabled from options)

  • getStatus() (new) - Get carousel info (experimental feature)

  • getCurrentPage() - Get the current page

  • getTotalPages() - Get total pages count

  • getTotalSlides() - Get total slides count


Using example:

var carousel = ddcarousel({
	container: ".carousel",
	onInitialized: function (e) {
// or like this..
carousel.on("onChanged", function (e) => {
  • onInitialize - Before plugin init

  • onInitialized - After plugin init

  • onDrag - Started dragging carousel

  • onDragging - Dragging carousel

  • onDragged - Ended dragging slide

  • onTransitionend - Dragging transition end

  • onChanged - Changed page

  • onResized - Carousel container width is changed (you can use it with refresh() method)

  • onDestroy (new) - Begin destroying carousel

  • onDestroyed (new) - After destroying carousel

Note: onInitialize and onInitialized events are working only when declared in plugin constructor (see first example)


Run these two commands in the root dir:

  1. npm install (run once)
  2. Open package.json and see available build scripts.


The code is released under the MIT License.