Arcade Battle: A project that consists of a set of arcade games to help patients with arthritis to the extent that it can motivate patients to do the exercises intended by the doctor in a game environment.
- REST Api available at .
- DoctorInterface available at .
- Django Models: We used django models to create and model entities into a database. Regarding entity relations, we implemented N:M and N:1 relations;
- Django Forms: We implemented all the forms of our web application using Django Forms, since they provide an easier way of accessing data;
- Django Authentication: The mechanisms provided by Django Authentication were widely used to allow different users to log in into your web application;
- Django Authorization: We decided to delimit the areas that each user had access to. This being said, we use Django Authorization mechanisms to make sure that only the allowed users could perform certain operations. For instance, a doctor can only see other doctors, but cannot remove them from the system. Such operation can only be done by an admin.
- Django REST Framework: The mechanisms provided by Django REST Framework allow the creation of a REST API;
- Components: We used components for every view and all the logic associated with it;
- Data Binding: Mostly for showing persistent data, we used data binding;
- Directives: Directives were used for providing additional behavior for DOM elements;
- Service: Every data fetched from the server was called from a service;
- Dependency Injection: Injection of the service into the components;
- Routing: All the navigation in the platform is made with routing;
- Bootstrap: Bootstrap is used as a style tool for the interface;
- Observables: For dealing with asynchronous programming, we used observables;
Action | Command |
Get inside of the venv directory | . venv/bin/activate |
Install dependencies | pip3 install djangorestframework==3.7.7 ; pip3 install requests ; pip3 install django ; pip3 install mysqlclient |
On Ubuntu:
Action | Command |
Install MySQL | apt install mysql-server |
Access MySQL as admin | sudo mysql -u root -p (default password: root) |
Create the database | CREATE DATABASE arcadebattle_db; |
Create a new user and set it's password | CREATE USER 'arcadebattle'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'arcadebattle'; |
Grant priviliges to the new user | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON arcadebattle_db. * TO 'arcadebattle'@'localhost'; |
Find out the port where MySQL is running | SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'port'; |
After this steps, we will need to configure our REST API to access the new database we just created. For doing so, in
file of the REST API Django Project we need to add the following code:
# Connect to external database
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': '<db_name>', #arcadebattle_db
'USER': "<user_name>", #arcadebattle
'PASSWORD': "<pw_for_user>", #arcadebattle
'HOST': "<host>", #localhost
'PORT': "<db_port>", #3306
Now, we have connected our REST API to our database. The only thing that's missing is to create the tables that will have the information we need. To create this tables, on the REST API Django Project we need to execute the following commands:
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
It is advised to create a Django Admin that can be accessed on a browser, trough <host>:<port>/admin
For this, execute the following command:
python3 createsuperuser
- Username: admin
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: adminadmin
We are almost ready to deploy this REST API, we are only missing a minor detail. We should configure in which port this API will be accessible.
To do this, in
we need to add the following lines:
from import Command as runserver
runserver.default_port = "<port>" #9000
You need to be on arcadebattle folder to run this commands.
Action | Command |
Install all the modules | npm install |
Run project | ng serve |
First of all, deploys the Django Projects:
- Deploy the REST API (
pyhton3 runserver
) - Deploy the Client's Project (
pyhton3 runserver
On Postman:
Execute a POST to
where the body (form-data) has the a username and a password. If the authentication is succeeded, you will receive a JSON containing an authentication token; -
Execute a GET to
where the Header has a key=Authorization and the value=Token <token_id>. This will invoke a method on the API that will create some entities for testing; -
Execute a GET to
where the Header has a key=Authorization and the value=Token <token_id>. If everything is working correctly, you should receive a JSON with information about all the people in the database.
The user, when trying to request data trough the API, will have to authenticate himself into the API provided. Once the user authenticates himself into the API, he will receive an authentication token that will be stored during the entire session. After this, to get information through the API, the user will have to send his authentication token along with the request we wants ti make. Once the user logs out, this token will be removed from the API authentiation database.
In our API, it is mandatory that the user first authenticate himself before making requests.
We need to add the following lines to the API's
# Rest properties
'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated', )
To do so, we have to add the following information to the API's
# For sending emails:
EMAIL_HOST = '<smtp>'
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '<email>'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '<email_password>'
EMAIL_PORT = <port_on_smtp>
EMAIL_USE_TLS = <True|False>
If you're having problems related to XSS, you have to install django-cors-headers (pip install django-cors-headers
After this, some changes to the
file must be applied:
# For dealing with CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)
As an example, you will be able to do the following:
$("#button").click(function () {
type: "POST",
url: 'http://localhost:9000/login',
data: {"username": "admin", "password":"adminadmin"},
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
Url | Request Type | Information sent to API | Action |
<API_URL>/login |
POST | usernarme, password | If authentication is succeeded, the user will receive an auth token to use in future requests |
<API_URL>/logout |
GET | The auth token of this user will be disabled/removed | |
<API_URL>/whoami |
GET | Get informations about the user's username and type of user | |
<API_URL>/reload_database |
GET | Delete all entities and create a set of standard ones | |
<API_URL>/my_profile |
GET | Get my profile | |
<API_URL>/all_people |
GET | Get a list of all people in database | |
<API_URL>/all_admins |
GET | Get a list of all admins in database | |
<API_URL>/all_doctors |
GET | Get a list of all doctors in database | |
<API_URL>/all_patients |
GET | Get a list of all patients in database | |
<API_URL>/all_games |
GET | Get a list of all games in database | |
<API_URL>/all_people |
GET | Get a list of all people in database | |
<API_URL>/profile/<username> |
GET | username | Get a specific user's profile |
<API_URL>/my_patients/<username> |
GET | username | Get a the patients of a specific patient |
<API_URL>/gestures/<username> |
GET | username | Get a the gestures of a specific patient |
<API_URL>/gestures_by_game/<username> |
GET | username | Get a set of statistics regarding the gestures used in the different games of a user |
<API_URL>/games_played |
GET | Get number of times each game was played | |
<API_URL>/delete_user/<username> |
DELETE | username | Delete a specific user from database |
<API_URL>/delete_gesture/<username>/<gesture_name> |
GET | username, gesture name | Delete a specific gesture of a certain user |
<API_URL>/new_user |
POST | usernarme, first_name, last_name, contact, birth_date, nif, photo_b64, user_type (admin, doctor or patient) | Add a new user to the database |
<API_URL>/new_game |
POST | name, preview_link, photo_b64 | Add a new game to the database |
<API_URL>/update_profile |
POST | usernarme, first_name, last_name, contact, birth_date, nif, (photo_b64), (password) | Update a user's profile |
<API_URL>/update_notes |
POST | usernarme, notes | Update a patient's notes |
<API_URL>/add_game_played |
POST | usernarme, game_name, gesture_name, avg_difficulty, points, date | Add a new game played |
<API_URL>/games_played_by_user/<username> |
GET | username | Get all the info about the games played by a user |
<API_URL>/patient_gestures/<username>/(chart) |
GET | username | Get the gesture repetitions by date |
<API_URL>/patient_games_scores/<username>/(chart) |
GET | username | Get the average game score by date |
Url | Action |
<Client_URL>/reload_database |
Clean and put the database default data |
<Client_URL>/login |
Sign in to platform |
Url | Action |
<Client_URL>/general_statistics |
General statistics about Arcade Battle |
<Client_URL>/about |
Edit profile and/or change password |
<Client_URL>/logout |
Log out of platform |
<Client_URL>/all_admins |
Observe platform administrators. The owner and administrators can remove users from this list |
<Client_URL>/admin_statistics?email= |
Observe info from a particular administrator |
<Client_URL>/add_admin |
Add a new administrator to the platform |
<Client_URL>/all_doctors |
Observe platform doctors. The owner and administrators can remove users from this list |
<Client_URL>/doctor_statistics?email= |
Observe info from a particular doctor |
<Client_URL>/add_doctor |
Add a new doctor to the platform |
<Client_URL>/all_patients |
Observe platform patients. The owner, administrators and doctors can remove users from this list |
<Client_URL>/patient_statistics?email= |
Observe info from a particular patient, update notes, check gestures and their statistics, add/remove gestures to the patient and observer statistics from the patient |
<Client_URL>/add_patient |
Add a new patient to the platform |
<Client_URL>/all_games |
Observe all games on the platform and watch game preview videos |
<Client_URL>/add_game |
Add a new game to the platform |
After <API_url>/reload_database
Username | Password |
[email protected] | admin1 |
[email protected] | admin2 |
Username | Password |
[email protected] | doctor1 |
[email protected] | doctor2 |
[email protected] | doctor3 |