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Merge pull request #582 from danieljprice/mega-merge
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merge #578
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danieljprice authored Aug 6, 2024
2 parents 21b2b59 + 1bb03ae commit fa0bc92
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Showing 7 changed files with 151 additions and 73 deletions.
37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions AUTHORS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Terrence Tricco <[email protected]>
Stephane Michoulier <[email protected]>
Simone Ceppi <[email protected]>
Spencer Magnall <[email protected]>
Enrico Ragusa <[email protected]>
Caitlyn Hardiman <[email protected]>
Enrico Ragusa <[email protected]>
Cristiano Longarini <[email protected]>
Sergei Biriukov <[email protected]>
Giovanni Dipierro <[email protected]>
Expand All @@ -38,38 +38,39 @@ Alison Young <[email protected]>
Stephen Nielson <[email protected]>
Martina Toscani <[email protected]>
Benedetta Veronesi <[email protected]>
Simon Glover <[email protected]>
Sahl Rowther <[email protected]>
Simon Glover <[email protected]>
Thomas Reichardt <[email protected]>
Jean-François Gonzalez <[email protected]>
Christopher Russell <[email protected]>
Madeline Overton <[email protected]>
Alex Pettitt <[email protected]>
Phantom benchmark bot <[email protected]>
Christopher Russell <[email protected]>
Jolien Malfait <[email protected]>
Phantom benchmark bot <[email protected]>
Alessia Franchini <[email protected]>
Nicole Rodrigues <[email protected]>
Alex Pettitt <[email protected]>
Kieran Hirsh <[email protected]>
Nicole Rodrigues <[email protected]>
Farzana Meru <[email protected]>
David Trevascus <[email protected]>
Nicolás Cuello <[email protected]>
Chris Nixon <[email protected]>
David Trevascus <[email protected]>
Miguel Gonzalez-Bolivar <[email protected]>
Maxime Lombart <[email protected]>
Zachary Pellow <[email protected]>
Orsola De Marco <[email protected]>
Chris Nixon <[email protected]>
Shunquan Huang <[email protected]>
Joe Fisher <[email protected]>
Benoit Commercon <[email protected]>
Zachary Pellow <[email protected]>
Giulia Ballabio <[email protected]>
Maxime Lombart <[email protected]>
Orsola De Marco <[email protected]>
Steven Rieder <[email protected]>
Stéven Toupin <[email protected]>
Taj Jankovič <[email protected]>
Jeremy Smallwood <[email protected]>
Ariel Chitan <[email protected]>
Rebecca Martin <[email protected]>
Jorge Cuadra <[email protected]>
Hugh Griffiths <[email protected]>
Jeremy Smallwood <[email protected]>
David Bamba <[email protected]>
Shunquan Huang <[email protected]>
Cox, Samuel <[email protected]>
Chunliang Mu <[email protected]>
Shunquan Huang <[email protected]>
Steven Rieder <[email protected]>
Stéven Toupin <[email protected]>
Taj Jankovič <[email protected]>
Ariel Chitan <[email protected]>
Hugh Griffiths <[email protected]>
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/geometry.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ subroutine set_rotation_angles(a,b,sin_a,sin_b,cos_a,cos_b)
if (present(cos_b)) then
cosb = cos_b
if (.not.present(cos_b)) sinb = sqrt(1. - cosb**2)
if (.not.present(sin_b)) sinb = sqrt(1. - cosb**2)

end subroutine set_rotation_angles
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163 changes: 120 additions & 43 deletions src/main/inject_randomwind.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,23 +12,30 @@ module inject
! :References:
! Trevascus et al. (2021), MNRAS 505, L21-L25
! :Owner: David Liptai
! :Owner: Shunquan Huang
! :Runtime parameters:
! - delta_theta : *standard deviation for the gaussion distribution (random_type=1)*
! - delta_theta : *standard deviation for the gaussion distribution*
! - inject_pt : *the particle that excites wind (when wind_type=1)*
! - mdot : *mass injection rate with unit, e.g. 1e8*g/s, 1e-7M_s/yr*
! - mdot_type : *injection rate (0=const, 1=cos(t), 2=r^(-2))*
! - mdot_type : *injection rate (0=const, 2=r^(-2))*
! - phi : *the tilt orientation of the star, (random_type=1)*
! - r_inject : *inject radius with units, e.g. 1*AU, 1e8m, (when wind_type=1)*
! - r_ref : *radius at whieh Mdot=mdot for 1/r^2 injection type*
! - random_type : *random position on the surface, 0 for random, 1 for gaussian*
! - theta : *the tilt inclination of the star or planet (random_type=1)*
! - vlag : *percentage lag in velocity of wind*
! - wind_type : *wind setup (0=asteroidwind, 1=randomwind)*
! :Dependencies: binaryutils, externalforces, infile_utils, io, options,
! part, partinject, physcon, random, units
! part, partinject, physcon, random, units, vectorutils
use io, only:error
use physcon, only:pi
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter, public :: inject_type = 'randomwind'
character(len=20), public :: mdot_str = "5.e8*g/s"
character(len=20), public :: r_inject_str = "0.5*au"
real, public :: mdot = 1.e8 ! mass injection rate in grams/second

public :: init_inject,inject_particles,write_options_inject,read_options_inject,&
Expand All @@ -37,13 +44,20 @@ module inject

real :: npartperorbit = 1000. ! particle injection rate in particles per orbit
integer :: wind_type = 0 ! wind setup (0=asteroidwind, 1=randomwind)
real :: vlag = 0.0 ! percentage lag in velocity of wind
integer :: mdot_type = 0 ! injection rate (0=const, 1=cos(t), 2=r^(-2))
integer :: random_type = 0 ! random position on the surface, 0 for random, 1 for gaussian
real :: delta_theta = 0.5 ! standard deviation for the gaussion distribution (random_type=1)
real :: have_injected = 0.
real :: t_old = 0.
real :: r_ref = 1.
real :: t_old = 0.
real :: r_ref = 1. ! reference radius for mdot_type=2
real :: theta = 0. ! the inclination of the star or planet
real :: phi = 0. ! the orientation of the star
integer :: inject_pt = 2 ! the partical that produce wind (when wind_type=1)
real :: wind_speed = 1.0 ! wind speed in code unit (when wind_type=1)
real :: wind_speed_factor = 1.2 ! factor to scale the wind speed based on the Keplerian speed at rinject
!real :: rinject = 1.0

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +85,7 @@ subroutine inject_particles(time,dtlast,xyzh,vxyzu,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,&
use physcon, only:twopi,gg,kboltz,mass_proton_cgs
use random, only:get_random_pos_on_sphere, get_gaussian_pos_on_sphere
use units, only:in_code_units
use vectorutils, only:cross_product3D, rotatevec
use options, only:iexternalforce
use externalforces,only:mass1
use binaryutils, only:get_orbit_bits
Expand All @@ -82,36 +97,52 @@ subroutine inject_particles(time,dtlast,xyzh,vxyzu,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,&
integer :: ierr
real, dimension(3) :: xyz,vxyz,r1,r2,v2,vhat,v1
integer :: i,ipart,npinject,seed,pt
real :: dmdt,rbody,h,u,speed,inject_this_step
real :: m1,m2,r
real :: dt

if (nptmass < 1 .and. iexternalforce == 0) &
call fatal('inject_randomwind','not enough point masses for random wind injection')
if (nptmass > 2) &
call fatal('inject_randomwind','too many point masses for random wind injection')

if (nptmass == 2) then
pt = 2
r1 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1)
m1 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)
v1 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1)
pt = 1
r1 = 0.
m1 = mass1
v1 = 0.

r2 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,pt)
rbody = xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,pt)
m2 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,pt)
v2 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,pt)

speed = sqrt(dot_product(v2,v2))
vhat = v2/speed

r = sqrt(dot_product(r1-r2,r1-r2))
real :: dmdt,rinject,h,u,speed,inject_this_step,m1,m2,r,dt
real :: dx(3), vecz(3), veczprime(3), rotaxis(3)
real :: theta_rad, phi_rad, cost, sint, cosp, sinp

! initialise some parameter to avoid warning...
pt = 1
rinject = 1.0
r = 1.0

! calculate the wind velocity and other quantities for different wind type
select case (wind_type)
case(1) ! set up random wind
if (inject_pt > nptmass) call fatal('inject_randomwind', 'not enough point masses for inject target, check inject_pt')
r2 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,inject_pt)
rinject = in_code_units(r_inject_str, ierr)
v2 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,pt)
wind_speed = wind_speed_factor*sqrt(xyzmh_ptmass(4, inject_pt)/rinject)
u = 0. ! setup is isothermal so utherm is not stored
h = hfact
case default ! set up asteroid wind
if (nptmass < 1 .and. iexternalforce == 0) &
call fatal('inject_asteroidwind','not enough point masses for asteroid wind injection')
if (nptmass > 2) &
call fatal('inject_asteroidwind','too many point masses for asteroid wind injection')
if (nptmass == 2) then
pt = 2
r1 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,1)
m1 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,1)
v1 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,1)
pt = 1
r1 = 0.
m1 = mass1
v1 = 0.
r2 = xyzmh_ptmass(1:3,pt)
rinject = xyzmh_ptmass(ihsoft,pt)
m2 = xyzmh_ptmass(4,pt)
v2 = vxyz_ptmass(1:3,pt)
speed = sqrt(dot_product(v2,v2))
vhat = v2/speed
r = sqrt(dot_product(r1-r2,r1-r2))
wind_speed = (1.-vlag/100)*speed
u = 0. ! setup is isothermal so utherm is not stored
h = hfact*(rinject/2.)
end select

! Add any dependency on radius to mass injection rate (and convert to code units)
Expand All @@ -129,22 +160,41 @@ subroutine inject_particles(time,dtlast,xyzh,vxyzu,xyzmh_ptmass,vxyz_ptmass,&
! Calculate how many extra particles from previous step to now
dt = time - t_old
inject_this_step = dt*dmdt/massoftype(igas)

npinject = max(0, int(0.5 + have_injected + inject_this_step - npartoftype(igas) ))

! Save for next step (faster than integrating the whole thing each time)
t_old = time
have_injected = have_injected + inject_this_step

!-- set up the tilt of the star, and vectors for rotation
theta_rad = theta*pi/180.
phi_rad = phi*pi/180.
cost = cos(theta_rad)
sint = sin(theta_rad)
cosp = cos(phi_rad)
sinp = sin(phi_rad)
vecz = (/0.,0.,1./)
veczprime = (/sint*cosp,sint*sinp,cost/)
if (abs(theta_rad-0)<1e-6) then
rotaxis = (/0.,0.,1./)
call cross_product3D(vecz, veczprime, rotaxis)
!-- Randomly inject particles around the body's outer 'radius'.
do i=1,npinject
xyz = r2 + rbody*get_pos_on_sphere(seed, delta_theta)
vxyz = (1.-vlag/100)*speed*vhat
u = 0. ! setup is isothermal so utherm is not stored
h = hfact*(rbody/2.)
select case (wind_type)
case (1)
dx = get_pos_on_sphere(seed, delta_theta)
call rotatevec(dx, rotaxis, theta_rad)
call cross_product3D(veczprime, dx, vhat)
vxyz = v2 + wind_speed*vhat
case default
xyz = r2 + rinject*get_pos_on_sphere(seed, delta_theta)
vxyz = wind_speed*vhat
end select
ipart = npart + 1
call add_or_update_particle(igas,xyz,vxyz,h,u,ipart,npart,npartoftype,xyzh,vxyzu)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,6 +259,7 @@ subroutine write_options_inject(iunit)
use infile_utils, only:write_inopt
integer, intent(in) :: iunit

call write_inopt(wind_type, 'wind_type', 'wind setup (0=asteroidwind, 1=randomwind)', iunit)
call write_inopt(mdot_str,'mdot','mass injection rate with unit, e.g. 1e8*g/s, 1e-7M_s/yr',iunit)
call write_inopt(npartperorbit,'npartperorbit',&
'particle injection rate in particles/binary orbit',iunit)
Expand All @@ -220,7 +271,15 @@ subroutine write_options_inject(iunit)
call write_inopt(random_type, 'random_type', 'random position on the surface, 0 for random, 1 for gaussian', iunit)
if (random_type==1) then
call write_inopt(delta_theta, 'delta_theta', 'standard deviation for the gaussion distribution', iunit)
call write_inopt(theta, 'theta', 'the tilt inclination of the star or planet (random_type=1)', iunit)
call write_inopt(phi, 'phi', 'the tilt orientation of the star, (random_type=1)', iunit)
if (wind_type==1) then
call write_inopt(inject_pt, 'inject_pt', 'the particle that excites wind (when wind_type=1)', iunit)
call write_inopt(r_inject_str, 'r_inject', 'inject radius with units, e.g. 1*AU, 1e8m, (when wind_type=1)', iunit)
call write_inopt(wind_speed_factor, &
& 'wind_speed_factor', 'factor to scale the wind speed based on the Keplerian speed at rinject', iunit)

end subroutine write_options_inject

Expand All @@ -243,6 +302,9 @@ subroutine read_options_inject(name,valstring,imatch,igotall,ierr)
read(valstring,'(A)',iostat=ierr) mdot_str
ngot = ngot + 1
! if (mdot < 0.) call fatal(label,'mdot < 0 in input options')
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) wind_type
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) npartperorbit
ngot = ngot + 1
Expand All @@ -262,6 +324,21 @@ subroutine read_options_inject(name,valstring,imatch,igotall,ierr)
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) delta_theta
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) theta
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) phi
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) inject_pt
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,*,iostat=ierr) wind_speed_factor
ngot = ngot + 1
read(valstring,'(a)',iostat=ierr) r_inject_str
ngot = ngot + 1
case default
imatch = .false.
end select
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/metric_tools.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module metric_tools
! :Runtime parameters: None
! :Dependencies: fastmath, inverse4x4, metric
! :Dependencies: inverse4x4, metric
use metric, only:imetric
implicit none
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/ptmass.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module ptmass
! - h_soft_sinkgas : *softening length for new sink particles*
! - h_soft_sinksink : *softening length between sink particles*
! - icreate_sinks : *allow automatic sink particle creation*
! - isink_potential : *sink potential(0=1/r,1=surf)*
! - isink_potential : *sink potential (0=1/r,1=surf)*
! - r_crit : *critical radius for point mass creation (no new sinks < r_crit from existing sink)*
! - r_merge_cond : *sinks will merge if bound within this radius*
! - r_merge_uncond : *sinks will unconditionally merge within this separation*
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/utils_gr.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module utils_gr
! :Runtime parameters: None
! :Dependencies: fastmath, io, metric, metric_tools, part
! :Dependencies: io, metric, metric_tools, part
implicit none

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