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Federated-Learning (PyTorch)

This repository originally began as an implementation of the vanilla federated learning paper: Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data.

Experiments are produced on MNIST and CIFAR10, and both IID and non-IID sampling methods are implemented.

Since the purpose of these experiments are to probe the federated learning paradigm at a basic level, only simple models such as MLP and CNN are used.


Install all the packages from requirments.txt

  • Python3
  • Pytorch
  • Torchvision


  • Download train and test datasets manually or they will be automatically downloaded from torchvision datasets.
  • Experiments are run on Mnist, Fashion Mnist and Cifar.
  • To use your own dataset: Move your dataset to data directory and write a wrapper on pytorch dataset class.

Running the experiments

The baseline experiment trains the model in the conventional way.

  • To run the baseline experiment with MNIST on MLP using CPU:
python src/ --model=mlp --dataset=mnist --epochs=10
  • Or to run it on GPU (eg: if gpu:0 is available):
python src/ --model=mlp --dataset=mnist --gpu=0 --epochs=10

Federated experiment involves training a global model using many local models.

  • To run the federated experiment with CIFAR on CNN (IID):
python src/ --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=0 --iid=1 --epochs=10
  • To run the same experiment under non-IID condition:
python src/ --model=cnn --dataset=cifar --gpu=0 --iid=0 --epochs=10

You can change the default values of other parameters to simulate different conditions. Refer to the options section.


The default values for various paramters parsed to the experiment are given in Details are given some of those parameters:

  • --dataset: Default: 'mnist'. Options: 'mnist', 'fmnist', 'cifar'
  • --model: Default: 'mlp'. Options: 'mlp', 'cnn'
  • --gpu: Default: None (runs on CPU). Can also be set to the specific gpu id.
  • --epochs: Number of rounds of training.
  • --lr: Learning rate set to 0.01 by default.
  • --verbose: Detailed log outputs. Activated by default, set to 0 to deactivate.
  • --seed: Random Seed. Default set to 1.

Federated Parameters

  • --iid: Distribution of data amongst users. Default set to IID. Set to 0 for non-IID.
  • --num_users:Number of users. Default is 100.
  • --frac: Fraction of users to be used for federated updates. Default is 0.1.
  • --local_ep: Number of local training epochs in each user. Default is 10.
  • --local_bs: Batch size of local updates in each user. Default is 10.
  • --unequal: Used in non-iid setting. Option to split the data amongst users equally or unequally. Default set to 0 for equal splits. Set to 1 for unequal splits.

Results on MNIST

Baseline Experiment:

The experiment involves training a single model in the conventional way.


  • Optimizer: : SGD
  • Learning Rate: 0.01

Table 1: Test accuracy after training for 10 epochs:

Model Test Acc
MLP 92.71%
CNN 98.42%

Federated Experiment:

The experiment involves training a global model in the federated setting.

Federated parameters (default values):

  • Fraction of users (C): 0.1
  • Local Batch size (B): 10
  • Local Epochs (E): 10
  • Optimizer : SGD
  • Learning Rate : 0.01

Table 2: Test accuracy after training for 10 global epochs with:

Model IID Non-IID (equal)
MLP 88.38% 73.49%
CNN 97.28% 75.94%

Further Readings


Blog Posts:

Source Files

The files in the top level of the src folder consist of:

  •,, and (used for some older experiments which involved situating an RL agent in a federated learning environment to make decisions about the federated training; a few changes will likely be necessary to get them working, since they were written with an old version of the utils API).
  • experiments_pca_visualization.ipynb (used for generating visualizations of the PCA-reduced model parameters of client models trained on different data)
  • distribution_predictor.ipynb (used for training a deep neural network on the meta-dataset to predict client label distributions)
  • experiments_pca_video.ipynb (used for generating a video visualization of the evolution of PCA-reduced global model parameters across FL training)
  • and (used for experiments to assess the extent to which sharing samples across clients could improve accuracy)
  • experiments_analysis.ipynb (used for conducting analysis of experiments performed using and

The utils folder consists of several files to support various parts of the FL training (e.g. sampling data for clients, training local models, aggregating models).


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