Lutu is an open source discord bot with a dashboard and alot of commands. No official instance is online anymore. Use any of the bots named Lutu at your own risk.
Special thanks to Zaydme for his contributions to the bot.
No new features are going to be implemented outside pull requests from people. All issues opened that require fixes will be fixed.
For help & support join MrAugu's Discord Server.
To support this and many other projects, become a patron.
NodeJS - Optimal Version: v12.3.1
NPM - Optimal Version: v6.11.3
Git Command Line Interface - Optimal Version: v2.7.4
Open your terminal and type commands below.
cd Desktop
git clone lutu-bot
cd lutu-bot
npm install
On your desktop a folder called lutu-bot
will be created, open it.
Now open config.js file and set the required values.
To start bot use following command:
On Windows:
node index
On Linux:
sudo node index
is required in order to bind your application to port 80.
For help & support join MrAugu's Discord Server.