A Lua script for FrSky Taranis transmitters running OpenTX 2.2
When flying with other pilots, managing VTX frequencies can be a chore. I often found myself digging through my gear looking for my VTX frequency card, only to end up looking it up on my phone (again). This Lua script displays 5.8GHz VTX frequency charts directly on your Taranis transmitter!
Use the menu button to switch between charts.
Inspired by this project.
Make sure you are using OpenTX 2.2 with Lua enabled.
Download the latest release here and follow the instructions.
Simply copy X7.lua
, XLite.lua
or X9.lua
(depending on which transmitter you have) into the /SCRIPTS/TELEMTRY
folder of
your transmitter's SD card. Rename the file to whatever you want (e.g. FREQ.lua
), but the name CANNOT be more
than 6 characters long, or it will not show up in the next step.
Once the file is on your SD card, navigate to your model's DISPLAY page, select the "Script" option for one of the screens, then select the script from the drop-down menu. Hold the PAGE button on your model's main screen to access telemetry scripts.
Not all frequency channels are legal in the EU. To display illegal EU frequencies in inverted colors, uncomment lines 8 and 9 in your script.