Learn how to build a webapp with Dart and Polymer.
The goal of this codelab is to develop a game store application. Users will be able to manage games in the store.
Don't worry, HTML templates are provided ;)
Try the live demo.
Important: Polymer.dart is in beta, and its API is subject to change. This code lab uses Polymer.dart version 0.12.0.
Before you begin this codelab, you should have the last Dart Editor Setup ready.
The Template HTML page is composed of three main template blocks
displays the content of a gameGAMES_TEMPLATE
displays a toolbar and the game list:- The toolbar allows to search, filter, sort games and switch between the templates below
displays the game list reusing theGAME_TEMPLATE
displays the game list with a compact template
displays a form to edit a game
See the Live preview and the HTML source
This codelab is divided into the following sections:
- Show the content of a game
- Show the list of all games (detailed template)
- Filter and sort the game list
- Show the list of all games (compact template)
- Edit the content of an existing game
- Add a new game
- Delete a game
- Single-page application
At the end, if you've got a few minutes, would you mind filling out an anonymous feedback form on the course so we can improve it in future?
- +Guillaume Girou, Dart Evangelist @Sfeir
- +Nicolas François, Dart Evangelist @Sfeir
Thanks to +DartlangFr team.
Thanks to +Thierry Lau. We took as example his AngularJS project AngularMovie.