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Allow multiple environments in the same account with cdk-pivot role (#…
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### Feature or Bugfix

- ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: Users MUST upgrade their data.all Environments and
Datasets if they want to enable multiple_environments_same_account pivot
roles! We need to make it very clear in the release notes. Otherwise a
good hint that indicates if an environment is updated is that when
opening the Environment/Stack tab they get an error of the type: `An
error occurred (AWSResourceNotFound) when calling GET_STACK_LOGS
operation: Logs could not be found for this stack`

- ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: For data.all **CREATED** datasets, this PR
introduces a change in the IaC that BREAKS the KMS policy for folder and
bucket sharing. The share will appear as unhealthy if we verify it and
will be fixed by re-applying the share. To automate this process we
recommend users to:
       - 1. Update data.all to new version
       - 2. Update all Environment and Dataset stacks 
       - 3. trigger the `share-verifier` task in ECS
- 4. trigger the `share-reapplier` task in ECS introduced in PR #1151

- ⚠️ After upgrading, there will be some useless LakeFormation
permissions granting permissions to the deleted `dataallPivotRole-cdk`
because LakeFormation does not delete the permissions of deleted IAM
roles. In addition, Lake Formation keeps the old pivot role as datalake
admin flagged as invalid (see pic below). The permissions do not really
harm anyone and can be deleted manually. If you are a user and are
struggling cleaning-up or wish more support, please open a GitHub issue
referencing this PR and we will address your challenges.


### Detail
#### Problem statement
data.all =<2.2.0 is not designed to allow the creation of multiple
data.all Environments in the same AWS account. However, there are
customers that store and work with data in the same AWS account but in
different regions. This PR is meant to enable that use-case solving its
2 blockers:
- If using cdk-pivot roles, the second environment stack fails to deploy
because there is already an existing dataallPivotRole-cdk IAM role
created in the first environment stack. Explained in detail: #936
- If using manually created pivot roles, there is a limit ~5regions that
can be onboarded. The failure is caused by the inline policies that CDK
adds to the pivot role for the DLQ SQS queues and X-trace. Explained in
detail: #1048

## Design
Our recommendation is to use cdk-created pivot roles because their
policies can be more restrictive and manual errors of deploying CFN
stacks are avoided. To solve #936 and use CDK pivot role in a
multi-environment same account setup we have 2 options:
1. re-use the same IAM pivot role for all environments in the account:
environment 1 deploys the pivot role nested stack and the subsequent
environments detect that there is an IAM pivot role already created and
use the existing one. The main advantage is its simplicity, we keep
using the same IAM role and there is no need for backwards compatibility
or changes in the code to assume a different role. But it has some
important drawbacks:
 - it does not solve #1048
- issues with deletion of environment 1 ---> handle environment 2
updates. Environments depend on each other :'(
- permissions of the pivot role refer to environment datasets.... --->
how will the pivot role get updated for other environments?? Not as
simple as it looks.
2. deploy one IAM pivot role for each environment. Each environment
deploys a separate pivot role stack. All role assumption boto3 calls
need to be updates to use a different pivot role depending on the
environment. It keeps each pivot role restricted to its environment,
there is no coupling between environments and no #1048 policy limit
issues. As disadvantages we can point out:
 - more code changes, passing info between calls and boto3 methods
 - backwards compatibility with original `dataallPivotRole-cdk` role. 

#### Design decisions

Despite having disadvantages, this PR implements option 2 because it is
more robust in the long-term. It also has advantages in terms of
security as it "isolates" regions; we can take it further an define
pivot role policies with the specified region. In addition, we reduce
the impact of IAM size service quotas as each role is dedicated to one
environment only.

To minimize the code changes and impact, I have used the `region` to
differentiate between pivot roles in the same account. At first I added
the `environmentUri` to the pivot role name, but it made it very
difficult to use in the boto3 `aws` clients. We would need to modify all
the client calls to input the `environmentUri`. That's why I re-used the
`region` which was already a parameter of most clients.

This PR does not handle multiple environments using the manual pivot
role. Meaning that it does not expect that each environment has a
dedicated `dataallPivotRole-region`. It works as usual with one
`dataallPivotRole` for all environments. We want to favor CDK-pivot
roles and slowly move away from manual pivot roles.

#### Backwards compatibility

As preventive measurement, this PR introduces a `config.json` parameter
to configure the usage of
`cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account`. The default value
is `False`, thus the changes introduced in this PR are not mandatory and
customers can migrate whenever they have the need. UPDATE FROM REVIEW:
If we see that the backwards compatibility is smooth we will discard the
parameter. This is a good enhancement and does not remove any
functionality for customers.

On an existing deployment with 2 environments and datasets (imported and
created) and multiple shares, update the codebase. All modules are
active and enabled in the environments.

Part 1: `dataallPivotRole-cdk` continues working
- [X] Update environment with no parameter
`cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account`--> check it updates
and keeps deploying the `dataallPivotRole-cdk`
- [X] Update environment with
`cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account`= `False` --> check
it keeps deploying the `dataallPivotRole-cdk`
- [X] Check IAM permissions of dataallPivotRole-cdk`(still contain KMS
and S3 statements relative to imported dataset) and ensure it is the LF
admin and has dataset permissions in LF.
- [x] Create new dataset --> check new permissions are added to
- [X] CloudFormation get stack (in Environment view) --> boto3 calls use
the remote_session pointing at `dataallPivotRole-cdk`

Part 2: `dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` migration infrastructure
- [X] change `cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account`to
`True` and update environment. Environment updates the pivot role stack
and creates NEW `dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` - as expected, in
CloudFormation we see the message `Requested update requires the
creation of a new physical resource; hence creating one`
- [X] IAM permissions of `dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` --> check that
imported datasets in the environment are present in the policy
- [X] Ensure `dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` is a LF admin - it happens
right after environment update
- [X] Update created dataset stack and check that
`dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` has LF permissions to the dataset. Check
that KMS key policy includes the new pivot role. Finally check that the
trust policy of the dataset IAM role includes the new pivot role:
- [X] Update imported dataset stack and check that
`dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` has LF permissions to the dataset. Bucket
policy and KMS policies are not managed by data.all in the creation of
dataset. Finally check that the trust policy of the dataset IAM role
includes the new pivot role

Part 3: `dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` migration data sharing
- [X] Click on verify permissions for one of the shares (imported
dataset) ---> ⚠️ verification shows table as unhealthy, folder appears
as healthy. When users click on re-apply share, it grants permissions to
the new pivot role in the cross account database and resource link and
it appears as healthy again. See detail in Issues found section.
- [X] Add new table to share in the same share --> check that share is
- [X] Add bucket to share --> check that share is successful - KMS
policy contains new pivot role!
- [X] Revoke one table --> check share is successful - to ensure LF
permissions work
- [X] Revoke one folder --> check share is successful - to ensure LF
permissions work
- [X] Revoke one bucket --> check share is successful - to ensure LF
permissions work
- [X] click on verify permissions in the other share (created dataset)
--> ⚠️ in the dataset_stack, the KMS key policy has been wiped out, so
bucket and access point shares are unhealthy!
(This part is fixed, see details below) After re-applying shares:

` Failed to get kms key id of alias/loc-new-uqo3m5oh: An error occurred
(AccessDeniedException) when calling the DescribeKey operation: User:
is not authorized to perform: kms:DescribeKey on resource:
because no resource-based policy allows the kms:DescribeKey action`

Part4: `dataallPivotRole-cdk-region` in boto3 calls - especially IAM and
Quicksight that required some additional development.
- [X] IAM - Add consumption role and check its policies attached
- [X] CloudFormation - get stack logs in any Stack tab - check client
- [X] Athena dataset client - Preview table
- [X] Glue dataset client - Start crawler
- [X] Glue profiling client - Run profiling job --> it triggers the
profiling job but there is an issue unrelated to this PR related to the
profiling script int he S3 bucket of the environment: `key:
profiling/code/jars/deequ-2.0.0-spark-3.1.jar.The specified key does not
- [X] S3 location client - Create folder - check that s3 prefix gets
created in S3
- [X] S3 dataset client - Get Dataset AWS creds - also checks that the
dataset role can be assumed by the new pivot role --> for backwards
compatibility dataset stack MUST be updated.
- [X] LF dataset clients +  S3 bucket policy client - Create Dataset
- [X] IAM + data sharing clients (KMS, LF, RAM, S3, GLUE) - Share new
items, revoke items, create new share. --> same error on KMS key for
bucket share.
- [x] Quicksight - Create Quicksight session in dashboards - it checks
not only the client but the Quicksight identity region
- [ ] SageMaker Notebooks - create and open Notebook 🔴 Error: 'Could not
find any VPCs matching...' it fails on creation
- [X] SageMaker ML Studio + EC2 base client - create and open ML Studio
- [X] Athena - run query in Worksheets
- [ ] Remote session in Pipelines - Create Pipeline 2 types: CDK and
non-CDK (tested below)

Additional testing in AWS + support PRs (Update April 8th) - deploy
#1151 as well
- [X] Deploy in AWS CICD pipeline succeeds
- [x] Revoke shared bucket without verify/reapply (after update
environments and datasets)
- [x] Revoke shared folder without verify/reapply (after update
environments and datasets)
- [x] Revoke shared table without verify/reapply (after update
environments and datasets) - I checked the logs and before the revoke it
grants the pivot role permissions to the db
- [X] Verify shared table succeeds and does not fail because of missing
pivot role permissions (test Fix in PR: #1149 )
- [X] Deploy #1150 - Verify shared folder and bucket shows unhealthy for
data.all created datasets, admins go to data.all and trigger ECS task
share-reapplier, verify shared folder and bucket again, it should be
healthy (Test #1150) 🚀

I triggered the share-verifier task manually and only the expected
broken shares (created datasets - folder/bucket sharing) appeared as

Other less important items - open issues if needed
- [X] Test Notebooks --> all good, it must have been something related
to my local environment
- [X] Test Pipelines --> all good we can get credentials
- [ ] Test profiling jobs ---> another different error `ImportError:
cannot import name 'ColumnProfilerRunner' from 'awsglue.transforms'
--> open github issue

### Open Issues, remarks and questions

- [X] ISSUE TO FIX: Folder and bucket permissions get wiped out when the
dataset stacks get updated with the new KMS statements (see the issues
above). Users need to re-apply the shares because after the upgrade they
will be broken. ⚠️ in order for this PR to be released we need to
implement some ECS task or automation to re-apply all failed shares --->
[Issue](#1150) Using PR
#1151 this issue can be

- [X] TO DECIDE: Should we make this feature configurable? If so, what
is the deprecation timeline for `dataallPivotRole-cdk`? ---> At the
moment: Yes, this can be configured so that users can decide when to do
the upgrade. We will use the maintenance window implementation to update
users about this change.

- [X] ISSUE TO FIX: Bucket sharing or folder sharing in testing part3
will fail for imported datasets because the statement in the KMS policy
keeping the reference to the old pivot role. One quick fix is to rename
the Sid, but that will leave orphan resources referencing the old pivot
role. A better fix is to ensure that the role is that sid is the one of
the pivot role. --> 🟢 fixed

- [X] ISSUE TO FIX: Missing `kms:DescribeKey` permissions for pivot role
from KMS key policy making the share fail. I am not sure how this issue
did not surface before. I think it has to due with the by default
permissions in KMS vs the ones applied by data.all. `Failed to get kms
key id of alias/loc-new-2-eo336u1r: An error occurred
(AccessDeniedException) when calling the DescribeKey operation: User:
is not authorized to perform: kms:DescribeKey on resource:
because no resource-based policy allows the kms:DescribeKey action ` -->
permissions added in this

- [X] ISSUE TO FIX: Table health verification shows unhealthy after
update: `Requestor
arn:aws:iam::SOURCE_ACCOUNT:role/dataallPivotRole-cdk-eu-west-1 missing
LF permissions: ALL for Glue DB Target: loc_imported_c2_kms_URI
arn:aws:iam::TARGET_ACCOUNT:role/dataallPivotRole-cdk-eu-west-1 missing
LF permissions: ALL for Glue DB Target: loc_imported_c2_kms_URI_shared `
The issue is solved when we click on `Re-Apply share` but it is a bit
annoying that customers need to re-apply all their shares. I think we
should introduce an ECS task to re-apply all shares. @anushka-singh
already suggested this feature for other purposes --->based on
@noah-paige's review, I think the best fix will be to ensure that the
pivot role gets granted all the permissions in the verification task,
that way the verification won't fail and the re-apply won't be necessary
for cases in which the missing pivot role permissions are the source
problem. ---> Fix in PR: #1149

Less important
- [X] ISSUE UNRELATED TO THIS PR: Run profiling job --> it triggers the
profiling job but there is an issue unrelated to this PR related to the
profiling script in the S3 bucket of the environment: `key:
profiling/code/jars/deequ-2.0.0-spark-3.1.jar.The specified key does not
exist` ---> confirm and create issue

- [X] ISSUE TO INVESTIGATE: the permissions of the pivot role after the
shares are reapplied seem incomplete:

--> 🟢 It does not seem to have an impact on shares, all table sharing
keeps on working as expected.

### Relates
- #936 
- #1048 

### Security
Please answer the questions below briefly where applicable, or write
`N/A`. Based on
[OWASP 10](

- Does this PR introduce or modify any input fields or queries - this
fetching data from storage outside the application (e.g. a database, an
S3 bucket)? `No`
  - Is the input sanitized? `n/a`
- What precautions are you taking before deserializing the data you
consume? `n/a`
  - Is injection prevented by parametrizing queries? n/a
  - Have you ensured no `eval` or similar functions are used? `n/a`
- Does this PR introduce any functionality or component that requires
authorization? No
- How have you ensured it respects the existing AuthN/AuthZ mechanisms?
  - Are you logging failed auth attempts? `n/a`
- Are you using or adding any cryptographic features? `No`
  - Do you use a standard proven implementations?`n/a`
- Are the used keys controlled by the customer? Where are they
- Are you introducing any new policies/roles/users? `Yes`
- Have you used the least-privilege principle? How? -----> 🖐️ We use a
dedicated IAM role for each data.all Environment onboarded to data.all.
This role can access data in its region only. This way the blast radius
of any attack is limited to a single AWS region. This PR improves the
user experience to use cdk-Pivot role, which encourages users to avoid
manual pivot role that has more open permissions and is more error
prone. -----> This PR also introduces a tiny change on the IAM
permissions of the Lambdas and ECS tasks of the backend. They can now
assume `dataallPivotRole-cdk-*` to account for the multiple region
roles. This change is still restrictive enough

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made
under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
  • Loading branch information
dlpzx authored Apr 9, 2024
1 parent 2377940 commit c61b27d
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Showing 52 changed files with 298 additions and 188 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/dataall/base/aws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
class EC2:
def get_client(account_id: str, region: str, role=None):
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=account_id, role=role)
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=account_id, region=region, role=role)
return session.client('ec2', region_name=region)

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53 changes: 28 additions & 25 deletions backend/dataall/base/aws/
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Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@

class IAM:
def client(account_id: str, role=None):
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=account_id, role=role)
def client(account_id: str, region: str, role=None):
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=account_id, region=region, role=role)
return session.client('iam')

def get_role(account_id: str, role_arn: str, role=None):
def get_role(account_id: str, region: str, role_arn: str, role=None):'Getting IAM role = {role_arn}')
client = IAM.client(account_id=account_id, role=role)
client = IAM.client(account_id=account_id, region=region, role=role)
response = client.get_role(RoleName=role_arn.split('/')[-1])
assert response['Role']['Arn'] == role_arn, "Arn doesn't match the role name. Check Arn and try again."
except ClientError as e:
Expand All @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ def get_role(account_id: str, role_arn: str, role=None):
return response['Role']

def get_role_arn_by_name(account_id: str, role_name: str, role=None):
def get_role_arn_by_name(account_id: str, region: str, role_name: str, role=None):'Getting IAM role name= {role_name}')
client = IAM.client(account_id=account_id, role=role)
client = IAM.client(account_id=account_id, region=region, role=role)
response = client.get_role(RoleName=role_name)
return response['Role']['Arn']
except ClientError as e:
Expand All @@ -47,11 +47,12 @@ def get_role_arn_by_name(account_id: str, role_name: str, role=None):
def get_role_policy(
account_id: str,
region: str,
role_name: str,
policy_name: str,
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
response = client.get_role_policy(
Expand All @@ -68,11 +69,12 @@ def get_role_policy(
def delete_role_policy(
account_id: str,
region: str,
role_name: str,
policy_name: str,
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
Expand All @@ -85,10 +87,10 @@ def delete_role_policy(
log.error(f'Failed to delete policy {policy_name} of role {role_name} : {e}')

def get_managed_policy_by_name(account_id: str, policy_name: str):
def get_managed_policy_by_name(account_id: str, region: str, policy_name: str):
arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{policy_name}'
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
response = client.get_policy(PolicyArn=arn)
return response['Policy']
except ClientError as e:
Expand All @@ -100,9 +102,9 @@ def get_managed_policy_by_name(account_id: str, policy_name: str):
return None

def create_managed_policy(account_id: str, policy_name: str, policy: str):
def create_managed_policy(account_id: str, region: str, policy_name: str, policy: str):
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
response = client.create_policy(
Expand All @@ -118,10 +120,10 @@ def create_managed_policy(account_id: str, policy_name: str, policy: str):
raise Exception(f'Failed to create managed policy {policy_name} : {e}')

def delete_managed_policy_by_name(account_id: str, policy_name):
def delete_managed_policy_by_name(account_id: str, region: str, policy_name):
arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{policy_name}'
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
except ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'AccessDenied':
Expand All @@ -131,10 +133,10 @@ def delete_managed_policy_by_name(account_id: str, policy_name):
raise Exception(f'Failed to delete managed policy {policy_name} : {e}')

def get_managed_policy_default_version(account_id: str, policy_name: str):
def get_managed_policy_default_version(account_id: str, region: str, policy_name: str):
arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{policy_name}'
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
response = client.get_policy(PolicyArn=arn)
versionId = response['Policy']['DefaultVersionId']
policyVersion = client.get_policy_version(PolicyArn=arn, VersionId=versionId)
Expand All @@ -150,11 +152,11 @@ def get_managed_policy_default_version(account_id: str, policy_name: str):

def update_managed_policy_default_version(
account_id: str, policy_name: str, old_version_id: str, policy_document: str
account_id: str, region: str, policy_name: str, old_version_id: str, policy_document: str
arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{policy_name}'
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
client.create_policy_version(PolicyArn=arn, PolicyDocument=policy_document, SetAsDefault=True)

client.delete_policy_version(PolicyArn=arn, VersionId=old_version_id)
Expand All @@ -168,11 +170,12 @@ def update_managed_policy_default_version(
def delete_managed_policy_non_default_versions(
account_id: str,
region: str,
policy_name: str,
arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{policy_name}'
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)

# List all policy versions
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_policy_versions')
Expand All @@ -197,9 +200,9 @@ def delete_managed_policy_non_default_versions(
return None, None

def is_policy_attached(account_id: str, policy_name: str, role_name: str):
def is_policy_attached(account_id: str, region: str, policy_name: str, role_name: str):
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_attached_role_policies')
pages = paginator.paginate(RoleName=role_name)
policies = []
Expand All @@ -215,9 +218,9 @@ def is_policy_attached(account_id: str, policy_name: str, role_name: str):
return False

def attach_role_policy(account_id, role_name, policy_arn):
def attach_role_policy(account_id, region: str, role_name, policy_arn):
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
response = client.attach_role_policy(RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn=policy_arn)
return True
except ClientError as e:
Expand All @@ -229,10 +232,10 @@ def attach_role_policy(account_id, role_name, policy_arn):
raise e

def detach_policy_from_role(account_id: str, role_name: str, policy_name: str):
def detach_policy_from_role(account_id: str, region: str, role_name: str, policy_name: str):
arn = f'arn:aws:iam::{account_id}:policy/{policy_name}'
client = IAM.client(account_id)
client = IAM.client(account_id, region)
client.detach_role_policy(RoleName=role_name, PolicyArn=arn)
except ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'AccessDenied':
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/dataall/base/aws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def __init__(self):
def client(AwsAccountId=None, region=None, role=None):
if AwsAccountId:"SSM Parameter remote session with role:{role if role else 'PivotRole'}")
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=AwsAccountId, role=role)
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=AwsAccountId, region=region, role=role)
else:'SSM Parameter session in central account')
session = SessionHelper.get_session()
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35 changes: 20 additions & 15 deletions backend/dataall/base/aws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,24 +31,26 @@ def __init__(self):

def get_quicksight_client(AwsAccountId, region='eu-west-1'):
def get_quicksight_client(AwsAccountId, region, session_region='eu-west-1'):
"""Returns a boto3 quicksight client in the provided account/region
AwsAccountId(str) : aws account id
region(str) : aws region
region(str) : aws region of the environment
session_region(str) : region to create the session
Returns : boto3.client ("quicksight")
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=AwsAccountId)
return session.client('quicksight', region_name=region)
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=AwsAccountId, region=region)
return session.client('quicksight', region_name=session_region)

def get_identity_region(AwsAccountId):
def get_identity_region(AwsAccountId, region):
"""Quicksight manages identities in one region, and there is no API to retrieve it
However, when using Quicksight user/group apis in the wrong region,
the client will throw and exception showing the region Quicksight's using as its
identity region.
AwsAccountId(str) : aws account id
AwsAccountId(str) : aws region of environment
Returns: str
the region quicksight uses as identity region
Expand All @@ -59,7 +61,9 @@ def get_identity_region(AwsAccountId):
identity_region = QuicksightClient.QUICKSIGHT_IDENTITY_REGIONS[index].get('code')
index += 1
client = QuicksightClient.get_quicksight_client(AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId, region=identity_region)
client = QuicksightClient.get_quicksight_client(
AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId, region=region, session_region=identity_region
response = client.describe_account_settings(AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId)'Returning identity region = {identity_region} for account {AwsAccountId}')
return identity_region
Expand All @@ -84,15 +88,16 @@ def get_identity_region(AwsAccountId):

def get_quicksight_client_in_identity_region(AwsAccountId):
def get_quicksight_client_in_identity_region(AwsAccountId, region):
"""Returns a boto3 quicksight client in the Quicksight identity region for the provided account
AwsAccountId(str) : aws account id
region(str) : aws region of the environment
Returns : boto3.client ("quicksight")
identity_region = QuicksightClient.get_identity_region(AwsAccountId)
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=AwsAccountId)
identity_region = QuicksightClient.get_identity_region(AwsAccountId, region)
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(accountid=AwsAccountId, region=region)
return session.client('quicksight', region_name=identity_region)

Expand All @@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ def check_quicksight_enterprise_subscription(AwsAccountId, region=None):
True if Quicksight Enterprise Edition is enabled in the AWS Account
"""'Checking Quicksight subscription in AWS account = {AwsAccountId}')
client = QuicksightClient.get_quicksight_client(AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId, region=region)
client = QuicksightClient.get_quicksight_client(AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId, region=region, session_region=region)
response = client.describe_account_subscription(AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId)
if not response['AccountInfo']:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,8 +146,8 @@ def create_quicksight_group(AwsAccountId, region, GroupName=DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME):
quicksight.describe_group response
client = QuicksightClient.get_quicksight_client_in_identity_region(AwsAccountId)
group = QuicksightClient.describe_group(client, AwsAccountId, GroupName)
client = QuicksightClient.get_quicksight_client_in_identity_region(AwsAccountId, region)
group = QuicksightClient.describe_group(client, AwsAccountId, region, GroupName)
if not group:
if GroupName == QuicksightClient.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME:'Initializing data.all default group = {GroupName}')
Expand All @@ -161,16 +166,16 @@ def create_quicksight_group(AwsAccountId, region, GroupName=DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME):
return group

def describe_group(client, AwsAccountId, GroupName=DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME):
def describe_group(client, AwsAccountId, region, GroupName=DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME):
response = client.describe_group(AwsAccountId=AwsAccountId, GroupName=GroupName, Namespace='default')
f'Quicksight {GroupName} group already exists in {AwsAccountId} '
f'(using identity region {QuicksightClient.get_identity_region(AwsAccountId)}): '
f'(using identity region {QuicksightClient.get_identity_region(AwsAccountId, region)}): '
return response
except client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:
f'Creating Quicksight group in {AwsAccountId} (using identity region {QuicksightClient.get_identity_region(AwsAccountId)})'
f'Creating Quicksight group in {AwsAccountId} (using identity region {QuicksightClient.get_identity_region(AwsAccountId, region)})'
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/dataall/base/aws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
class SecretsManager:
def __init__(self, account_id=None, region=_DEFAULT_REGION):
if account_id:
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(account_id)
session = SessionHelper.remote_session(account_id, region)
self._client = session.client('secretsmanager', region_name=region)
self._client = boto3.client('secretsmanager', region_name=region)
Expand Down

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