NLP Engine For ChatBot
- Graph Node Editor Based Bots
- Sentiment Analysis
Services we need to run:
- RabbitMQ
- RethinkDB
How to Handle Monitor:
- Will not have a continous monitoring feature.
- A process will run once on a user request to analyse the web for a brand sentiment and store the aggregated report.
- Continous monitoring of timeline will be avaliable on paid plans.
Random Ideas:
- Learn autoresponder. (Sentence similarity based active learning)
- Connect with CRM to learn the chatbot.
- Set predefined answers for particular question.
- There is should be a module for training
Algorithm for suggesting answers:
- Compare the question with the rest of the (question, answer) tuple in the dataset.
- Keep those questions whose similarity are greater than 90%
- Compare the answer of the most matching questions with the answers of the other questions.
- If the average similarity is greater than 75% than suggest an answer otherwise ignore.
- Suggest the answers of the top 3 matching questions.
- Define Entities of Interests (e.g Iphone)
- Automatically fetch bad reviews of the entity.
- Determine with parts of the entity people are complaining about
- Determine with parts of the entity people are liking
Chatbot Platform:
- Intents: What action should be taken in response to user's message
- Entities: Objects we want to interact with
Key Advantages:
- Self Hosted
- Option for entity based answers.
- Self learning
Database Structure:
Entities: { entity_name : "", values: [], }
Intent: { name: "" questions: [], answers: [ {statement: "", isEntityBased: true}, ], action: { name: "", params: [ {isRequired: true, name: "", entity_name: "", value: ""} ], } entities: [] }
questions: { statement: "", entities: [], }
From server/ API endpoints to client:
- In String
- {custom: {task: "", module: ""}, payload: "", status: ""}
- Bot Response: method: microservice body: { task: 'BOT_RESPOND', statement: '', //String, custom: {}, //Any object, intents: [], // Array of intent objects } Response: {custom: {} //Whatever Object you posted, server: {task: 'BOT_RESPOND', success: 'false' , statement: ''} //Any Object, result: { response: "" //String, action: {} //Action Object}}
Named Entity Recognition: url: /api/nlp/ner method: post body: { task: 'NER', statement: '', //String, custom: {}, //Any object or string } Response: {custom: {} //Whatever Object or string you posted, result: [{start: "", end: "", label: ""}]}
Bot Response: url: /api/bot/respond method: post body: { task: 'BOT_RESPOND', statement: '', //String, custom: {}, //Any object } Response: {custom: {} //Whatever Object you posted, result: { response: "" //String, action: {} //Action Object}}
Create Intent: url: /api/intents/save method: post body: { name: "" questions: [], answers: [ {statement: "", isEntityBased: true}, ], action: { name: "", params: [ {isRequired: true, name: "", entity_name: "", value: ""} ], } entities: [] }
Fetch Intents: url: /api/intents/ method: get