Offical Development is now on
Note extDB2 is very similiar but not back compatiable extDB.
It will require changes to SQF Code + DB_CUSTOM File.
I got bored waiting on 2017 / Epoch for Arma3.
So i decided to write up an C++ Extension for Arma3server.
- Rcon Support
- Steam VAC + Friends Queries
- Multi-Part Messages (i.e if output > outputsize set by arma)
- Multi-Threading Sync / ASync Commands
- Unique ID for Messages
- Supports Mysql / SQlite / ODBC
- Supports Prepared Statements via DB_CUSTOM_V5
- Support for Arma2 Randomizing config file
- DB_CUSTOM_V3 (Ability to define sql statements in a .ini file)
- DB_CUSTOM_V5 (Ability to define sql prepared statements in a .ini file)
- DB_PROCEDURE_V2 (limited support, no outputs)
- DB_RAW_V3 (by raw i mean raw sql commands, no sql escaping etc)
- MISC (has beguid crc32 md4 md5 time + time offset)
- LOG (Ability to log info into custom log files)
- VAC (Ability to Query Steam for Ban / Friend Info)
Linux Distro with Glibc 2.17 or higher
Debian 8 / Centos 7 / Ubuntu 14.10
Windows Server 2008 + Later
Windows 7 + Later
Install vcredist_x86.exe @
extDB is incompatible with
Workaround rename Fred's malloc & change arma startup to the new filename.
- bladez- Using modified code from for RCON
- Fank for his code to convert SteamID to BEGUID
- rajkosto for his work on DayZ Hive, using almost the exact same boost parser for sanitize checks for input/output
- firefly2442 for the CMake Build System & wiki updates
- MaHuJa for fixing Test Application Input, no longer hardcoded input limit
- killzonekid for his blog
- Tonic & Atlis RPG Admins for beening literally beening bleeding edge testers for extDB.
- Gabime for Spdlog
PayPal Donate Link
If you like to donate, all development is done on a Dedicated Linux Server. Server cost is currently 50 Euro a month