The exclusive Github Issues tracking web app
You can view it here
It's really easy to start using this app, just do the following
- Make sure you have bower and npm install on your device
- Go to the root directory
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm start
- Point your browser to http://localhost:8000
To run all tests just type
$npm test
The specs are located in the test folder and the mock data under the json folder
Front-end Dependencies used
- AngularJS
- Angular Route
- Angular Loading Bar
- jQuery
- Octicons
Back-end Dependencies used
- Express
- Request
- body-parser
Testing frameworks used
- Karma
- Jasmine
- Angular Mocks
- PhantomJS
- Karma read json
- Karma phantomJS launcher
- Karma-Jasmine
Simply type in the GitHub Url and hit track issues
Browse through issues, filter by label by clicking on them or filter by open/ closed/ or all issues by clicking the top-right icons
Click on an issue to see a more detailed view and the comments on the issue as well
BA 2016 Twitter Intership Project