Pandora offers all of the usual benefits of a solid DI container structure with some extra majic juju sprinkled in.
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Instantiate a new Container
to keep your important objects organised:
use DecodeLabs\Pandora\Container;
$container = new Container();
Bind instances or classes to interfaces and retrieve them when you need them:
use My\Library\CoolInterface;
use My\Library\CoolImplementation; // Implements CoolInterface
// Instance
$container->bind(CoolInterface::class, new CoolImplementation());
$imp = $container->get(CoolInterface::class);
// Reused class
$container->bind(CoolInterface::class, CoolImplementation::class);
// Creates a new instace every call
$imp = $container->get(CoolInterface::class);
// Shared class
$container->bindShared(CoolInterface::class, CoolImplementation::class);
// Stores created instance and returns that each call
$imp = $container->get(CoolInterface::class);
// Locked instance - will only bind if CoolInterface has not been bound before
$container->bindLocked(CoolInterface::class, new CoolImplementation());
$imp = $container->get(CoolInterface::class);
// Bind a factory
$container->bind(CoolInterface::class, function($container) {
return new CoolImplementation();
Groups allow for multiple instances to be bound to one interface:
// Group multiple bindings
$container->bindToGroup(CoolInterface::class, new CoolImplementation(1));
$container->bindToGroup(CoolInterface::class, new CoolImplementation(2));
$container->bindToGroup(CoolInterface::class, new CoolImplementation(3));
$group = $container->getGroup(CoolInterface::class); // Contains 3 Implementations
$container->each(CoolInterface::class, function($instance, $container) {
// Do something with each instance
Aliases can be useful when retrieving objects without repeating the interface:
// Aliased instance
$container->bind(CoolInterface::class, new CoolImplementation())
$imp = $container->get('cool.thing');
// Or
$container->registerAlias(CoolInterface::class, 'cool.thing');
$container->bind(CoolInterface::class, CoolImplementation::class);
$imp = $container->get('cool.thing');
Parameters can be passed to constructors of implementation classes:
$imp = $container->getWith(CoolInterface::class, ['list', 'of', 'params']);
// Or inject parameters for later:
$container->inject(CoolInterface::class, 'paramName', 'paramValue');
$imp = $container->get(CoolInterface::class);
Containers also have ArrayAccess aliased to get / bind / has / remove:
$imp = $container[CoolInterface::class];
if(isset($container[CoolInterface::class])) {
Access the binding controllers with member names:
$binding = $container->{CoolInterface::class};
// Or
$binding = $container->getBinding(CoolInterface::class);
React to events on the container:
$container->afterResolving(CoolInterface::class, function($instance, $container) {
// Prepare instance
$container->afterRebinding(CoolInterface::class, function($instance, $container) {
// Prepare instance again
// Triggers resolve callback once
$imp = $container->get(CoolInterface::class);
// Triggers rebinding callback
$container->bind(CoolInterface::class, new AnotherImplementation());
Implement the Provider
interface and register it for lazy loaded mass-bindings with virtually no overhead:
use DecodeLabs\Pandora\Provider;
use DecodeLabs\Pandora\Container;
class CoolService implements Provider {
public static function getProvidedServices(): array {
return [
public function registerServices(Container $container): void {
$container->bindShared(CoolInterface::class, CoolImplementation::class)
// Create factory closure
$container->bind(OtherInterface::class, function($container) {
return new class implements OtherInterface {
public function hello(): string {
return 'world';
Pandora is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.