exodom download <domain> [options]
exodom upload <domain> [options]
exodom sync <source domain> <target domain> [options]
-c, --client-models [device_rid] Sync client-models. If [device_rid] is
omitted, use the same [device_rid] as the
source domain's.
-d, --domain-config Sync domain config. Requires global
admin access to upload.
-h, --help Print this page.
-i, --interactive Show hints. Prompt users to overwrite
existing themes, client models, domain
widgets. If this option is not used,
existing objects will be skipped.
-p, --path <path> Save objects at the selected path,
the default path is "./domain name".
-t, --theme Sync themes. Domains should not have
themes with the same name.
-u, --user <user:pwd,[user:pwd]> Passwords can be omitted, users wll be
prompted to input them. When syncing,
two sets of credentials are required.
-u, --user <user:pwd> Users may enter one only set of
credentials if it is able to access both
source and target domains.
-V, --version Output the version number.
-w, --widget Sync domain widgets.
If no options are included, the default options are:
-t, -c, -d, -w
Run the following command to install exodom:
$ sudo npm install -g exodom
Example of syncing data from source.signoff.domain to target.signoff.domain:
$ exodom sync source.signoff.domain target.signoff.domain -d -t -p ./ -u [email protected]:userpassword,[email protected]:adminpassword
If you are working on a signoff domain, make sure your host file includes your domain.
Note: is used for signoff domains.
- Add force update
- Sync widget published option
- Sync picture