- Help, including search filters
ISSG Search Filter Resources in Google Docs format
Litsonar - a meta-search engine covering EBSCO Business Source Complete, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, EBSCO EconLit, IEEEXplore, ProQuest, ACM Digital Library, ScienceDirect, AISeL.
- Note: When fields like TIAB cannot be translated, it combines "term in Title or term in Abstract"
SerpAPI (GitHub repository) - API for different Google products (inspiration)
Query Translator in Galach (programming language), and not specific to academic databases
- Crossref, stating that terms will be connected with "AND"
- SinghSingh2017 with GitHub resources
- BramerDeJongeRethlefsenEtAl2018
- CochraneLibrary
- HaddawayRethlefsenDaviesEtAl2022 - JSON data structure for transparent and repeatable reporting of literature searches
- Li2021
- LiRainer2022
- LinLoGonzalezEtAl2023
- OboyleGotzZivic2023
- ScellsAzzopardiZucconEtAl2018
- ScellsZucconKoopman2019
- TippsSuchePubmed
- CronenTownsendZhouCroft2002
- DuraoKredoVolmink2015
- KhwilehWayJones2017
- ScellsZuccon2018
- ScellsZucconKoopman2020
- ScellsZucconKoopmanEtAl2020
- ScellsZucconSharafEtAl2020
- ShtokKurlandCarmelEtAl2012
- ZhouCroft2007
Dartmouth library resources, covering the use of controlled vocabulary
- In step 6: displays items found per sub-query....
UTICA University: translating search queries and search syntax translation resources
This repository is based on the ColRev standard.
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