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AWX deployment with Flux


This guide will deploy AWX to a Kubernetes cluster via Flux.

Flux is a CI/CD service, which works with Helm charts to deploy containers on Kubernetes. The desired state of the containers is hosted in a Git repostiory (check every minute). All configuration of the Helm releases for containers should be made in the Git repository, Flux checks the current cluster state about every minute.

Services involved

  • AWX is an Ansbile Automation Platform.
  • Kubernetes-Dashboard is a dashboard to Kubernetes.
  • Weave-GitOps is a dashboard to Flux.
  • Flux is a CI/CD system to apply the state of the cluster and upgrade container images.
  • Metrics-Server monitors the health of the cluster and resources.
  • NGINX Ingress Controller is a service to expose containers to the network.
  • MetalLB is a load balancer to assign IPs to Ingress Controllers.
  • Timoni is a kubernetes deployment tool.
  • Kubernetes is a platform to run containerized images.


  • Kubernetes cluster with internet access.
  • Access to the master node of the Kubernetes cluster.
  • A copy of this Git Repository.
  • PSQL DB is recommended.



  • Values should only need to be changed in the kustomization.yaml files.
  • Changes to the infrastructure may take several minutes for Flux to update.
  • Some kustomizations to containers can only be applied during creation or start of the container. Rebooting the cluster or deleting the container/service should apply those new values.
  • The current configuration deploys always the latest releases and checks every 12 hours for new versions, this behaviour can be changed in the yaml files for the differnet images.
  • This deployment is intended to work without CNI. If you have already a CNI installed, remove Flannel from the core-infrastructure.

1. Change values for the deployment in the Git repository

Layout of the repostiory

The comments mark the files where changes should be made.

├── apps
│   ├── awx
│   │   ├── configs
│   │   │   ├── awx.yaml
│   │   │   ├── ingress.yaml
│   │   │   ├── kustomization.yaml # change the values for the AWX deployment
│   │   │   ├── pv.yaml
│   │   │   ├── pvc.yaml
│   │   │   └── tls # change the tls certs for AWX
│   │   │       ├── tls.crt
│   │   │       └── tls.key
│   │   └── systems
│   │       ├── awx-ns.yaml
│   │       ├── awx-operator.yaml
│   │       └── kustomization.yaml
│   └── basic
│       ├── apps-system-ns.yaml
│       ├── kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
│       ├── kustomization.yaml # change the values for the dashboards
│       ├── tls # change the tls certs for the dashboards
│       │   ├── tls.crt
│       │   └── tls.key
│       └── weave-gitops.yaml
├── core-infrastructure
│   ├── configs
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml # change the metallb IP range
│   │   └── metallb-controller-config.yaml
│   └── systems
│       ├── core-system-ns.yaml
│       ├── flannel-cni.yaml
│       ├── kustomization.yaml
│       └── metallb-controller.yaml
├── flux-aio.cue # timoni deployment bundle - change Flux version and GIT URLs
└── infrastructure
    ├── configs
    │   └── kustomization.yaml
    └── systems
        ├── infra-system-ns.yaml
        ├── kustomization.yaml
        ├── metrics-server.yaml
        └── nginx-controller.yaml

Flow of the deployment

  • First timoni will deploy the kustomization in this order: core-infrastructure -> infrastructure -> apps/basic -> apps/awx
  • Afterwards the AWX Operator will deploy AWX.

2. Prepare the database and user on the Postgres instance

  • PostGreSQL DBs required/recommended for AWX
$ sudo -i -u postgres
postgres$ createdb awx
postgres$ createuser --createdb awx
postgres$ psql
postgres# grant all privileges on database awx to awx;
postgres# \q
postgres$ exit
  • To change the passwords for users in psql
$ sudo -i -u postgres
postgres$ psql
postgres# ALTER ROLE awx
postgres# WITH PASSWORD 'awxawx';
postgres# \q
postgres$ exit

3. AWX and cluster deployment on the master node

[Optional] Prepare the project cache folder (AWX projects should be hosted on an external Git repostiory).

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/projects
$ sudo chown 1000:0 /data/projects

Flux deployment via timoni

You will need to update the file flux-aio.cue with the URL to your GIT repository.

Get the latest timoni linux_amd64.tar.gz binary from here:

$ wget -qO- | tar xvz
$ sudo mv timoni /usr/local/bin/
# /usr/local/bin/timoni completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/timoni
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/timoni /usr/bin/timoni

Custom root authority (if not you need to edit the flux-aio.cue file and remove the line 'ca: string @timoni(runtime:string:GIT_CA)' for every repository).

More examples for different Git repositories:

$ export GIT_CA=$(cat ~/certs/rootCA.pem)

GIT credentials.

$ export GIT_TOKEN="abcdefgh12345678"

Let timoni deploy the bundle from flux-aio.cue in this repository.

$ timoni bundle apply -f ./flux-aio.cue --runtime-from-env

Wait for the cluster to build

$ watch kubectl get pods,svc,ingress -A

You will need to have some DNS records for your hostnames to point to the NGINX controller IP (EXTERNAL-IP).

Command to get the EXTERNAL-IP.

$ kubectl get svc ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx

Example entry into /etc/hosts.

#AWX replace <external-ip>
<external-ip> awx.home k8s.home weave.home kubeclarity.home

5. Logon to the different dashboards (hostnames with default values)

With the DNS records in place you can access the different web services.

Default users and passwords:

  • Weave-GitOps: admin/flux
  • AWX: admin/awxawx

4. Set up the Flux CLI on the master node

$ curl -s | sudo bash
$ source <(flux completion bash)
# /usr/local/bin/flux completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/flux
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/flux /usr/bin/flux
$ curl --silent --location "$(uname)-$(uname -m).tar.gz" | tar xz -C /tmp
$ sudo mv /tmp/gitops /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/gitops /usr/bin/gitops

5. [Optional] Install k9s.

Get the latest releases for k9s_Linux_amd64.tar.gz here:

$ wget -qO- | tar xvz
$ sudo mv k9s /usr/local/bin/
$ source <(k9s completion bash)
# /usr/local/bin/k9s completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/k9s
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/k9s /usr/bin/k9s

Useful Flux CLI commands

  • Initiate a manual git sync for Flux.
$ flux get sources all
$ flux reconcile source git cluster-apps-basic
  • Watch events is good for troubleshooting errors (like weave on commandline).
$ flux events -w
  • Check the status and versions of all deployments.
$ flux get helmreleases --all-namespaces
  • Check the kustomizations for all deployments.
$ flux get kustomizations --all-namespaces


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