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TangoControls License: GPL v3

HDB++ backend library for the TimescaleDb extenstion to Postgresql. This library is loaded by libhdbpp to archive events from a Tango Controls system. Currently in a pre v1 release phase.

The library requires a correctly configured TimescaleDb installation.

The library has been build against a number of other projects, these have been integrated into the repository as sub modules. This may change at a later date if the build system is improved. Current sub modules are:

  • libpqxx - Modern C++ Postgresql library
  • spdlog - Logging system
  • Catch2 - Unit test subsystem

v0.9.0 To v0.10.0 Update

This revision changes how both scalar and spectrum strings are stored. In 0.9.0 strings were escaped and quoted before being stored in the database. This had the effect that when the strings were retrieved they were still escaped/quoted. For consistency scalar strings were stored escaped/quoted.

To fix this, spectrum's of strings are now stored via insert strings using both the ARRAY syntax and dollar escape method. This means when they are retrieved frm the database they are longer escaped/quoted. To match this, scalar strings are also no longer stored escaped/quoted.


Currently this project is configured to express its dependencies as submodules. This may change in future if there is time to explore, for example, the Meson build system. To successfully clone the project and all its dependencies use the following:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Bug Reports + Feature Requests

Please file the bug reports and feature requests in the issue tracker


  • See the doc directory for documentation on various topics, including building and installing.
  • General documentations on the Tango HDB system can be found here


To build the shared library please read the following.


The project has two types of dependencies, those required by the toolchain, and those to do the actual build. Other dependencies are integrated directly into the project as submodules. The following thirdparty modules exists:

  • libpqxx - Modern C++ Postgresql library (submodule)
  • spdlog - Logging system (submodule)
  • Catch2 - Unit test subsystem (submodule)
  • libhdbpp - Configuration can now fetch original to aid development. See build flags.

Toolchain Dependencies

If wishing to build the project, ensure the following dependencies are met:

  • CMake 3.11 or higher (for FetchContent)
  • C++14 compatible compiler (code base is using c++14)

Build Dependencies

Ensure the development version of the dependencies are installed. These are as follows:

  • Tango Controls 9 or higher development headers and libraries
  • omniORB release 4 or higher development headers and libraries
  • libzmq3-dev or libzmq5-dev
  • libpq-dev - Postgres C development library

Building Process

To compile this library, first ensure it has been recursively cloned so all submodules are present in /thirdparty. The build system uses pkg-config to find some dependencies, for example Tango. If Tango is not installed to a standard location, set PKG_CONFIG_PATH, i.e.

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/non/standard/tango/install/location

Then to build just the library:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..

The pkg-config path can also be set with the cmake argument CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This can be set on the command line at configuration time, i.e.:

cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/non/standard/tango/install/location ..


When using Postgres from the Ubuntu repositoris, it appears to install its development libraries in a slightly different location. Some info on this issue here. In this case, we set the PostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR variable directly when calling cmake:

cmake -DPostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/postgresql/ ..

This should replace the call to cmake in the previous section.

Build Flags

The following build flags are available

Standard CMake Flags

The following is a list of common useful CMake flags and their use:

Flag Setting Description
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX PATH Standard CMake flag to modify the install prefix.
CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH PATH[S] Standard CMake flag to add include paths to the search path.
CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH PATH[S] Standard CMake flag to add paths to the library search path
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug/Release Build type to produce

Project Flags

Flag Setting Default Description
BUILD_BENCHMARK_TESTS ON/OFF OFF Build benchmark tests (Forces a Release build)
ENABLE_CLANG ON/OFF OFF Clang code static analysis, readability, and cppcore guideline enforcement
FETCH_LIBHDBPP ON/OFF OFF Enable to have the build fetch and use a local version of libhdbpp
FETCH_LIBHDBPP_TAG master When FETCH_LIBHDBPP is enabled, this is the git tag to fetch

Running Tests

Unit Tests

The project has extensive unit tests to ensure its functioning as expect. Build the project with testing enabled:

mkdir -p build
cd build

To run all unit tests, a postgresql database node is required with the project schema loaded up. There is a default connection string inside test/TestHelpers.hpp:

user=postgres host=localhost port=5432 dbname=hdb password=password

If you run the hdb timescale docker image associated with this project locally then this will connect automatically. If you wish to use a different database, edit the string in test/TestHelpers.hpp.

To run all tests:


To look at the available tests and tags, should you wish to run a subset of the test suite (for example, you do not have a postgresql node to test against), then tests and be listed:

./bin/unit-tests --list-tests


./bin/unit-tests --list-tags

To see more options for the unit-test command line binary:

./bin/unit-tests --help

Benchmark Tests

These are a work in progress to explore future optimisation point. If built, they can be run as follows:

mkdir -p build
cd build


All submodules are combined into the final library for ease of deployment. This means just the binary needs deploying to the target system.

System Dependencies

The running system requires libpq5 installed to support the calls Postgresql. On Debian/Ubuntu this can be deployed as follows:

sudo apt-get install libpq5


After the build has completed, simply run:

sudo make install

The shared library will be installed to /usr/local/lib on Debian/Ubuntu systems.


Library Configuration Parameters

Configuration parameters are as follows:

Parameter Mandatory Default Description
libname true None Must be ""
connect_string true None Postgres connection string, eg user=postgres host=localhost port=5432 dbname=hdb password=password
logging_level false error Logging level. See table below
log_file false false Enable logging to file
log_console false false Enable logging to the console
log_syslog false false Enable logging to syslog
log_file_name false None When logging to file, this is the path and name of file to use. Ensure the path exists otherwise this is an error conditions.

The logging_level parameter is case insensitive. Logging levels are as follows:

Level Description
error Log only error level events (recommended unless debugging)
warning Log only warning level events
info Log only warning level events
debug Log only warning level events. Good for early install debugging
trace Trace level logging. Excessive level of debug, good for involved debugging
disabled Disable logging subsystem

Configuration Example

Short example LibConfiguration property value on an EventSubscriber or ConfigManager. You will HAVE to change the various parts to match your system:

connect_string=user=hdb-user password=password host=hdb-database port=5432 dbname=hdb


The source code is released under the LGPL3 license and a copy of this license is provided with the code.


HDB++ library for Timescale database back-end







No packages published


  • C++ 90.5%
  • TSQL 6.1%
  • CMake 2.7%
  • PLpgSQL 0.7%