👨💻 book a pitch from your terminal
Simple way to book a pitch in Estádio Universitário de Lisboa without having to fill in the form each time.
It also served as an exercise to learn a bit more about Rust. ⚙️
futbladaj 0.1
Daniel Serrano <[email protected]>
book a pitch from your terminal
futbladaj [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --address <address> Sets the booker's address (e.g., Old Street)
-c, --config <FILE> Sets a custom config file (e.g., myconf.yml)
-d, --day <day> Sets the day (1-31) for the booking (e.g., 1)
-e, --email <email> Sets the booker's email (e.g., [email protected])
-E, --end-hour <end_hour> Sets the end hour (0-24) for the booking (e.g., 23)
-f, --fiscal-number <fiscal_number> Sets the booker's fiscal number (e.g., 123123123)
-m, --month <month> Sets the month (1-12) for the booking (e.g., 3)
-P, --phone <phone> Sets the booker's phone number (e.g., 911231212)
-p, --pitch <pitch> Sets the pitch for the booking (e.g., pav1) [possible values: ajuda, grandes,
honra, pav1, pav2, pav3, poli]
-C, --postcode <postcode> Sets the booker's postcode (e.g., 1234-123)
-S, --start-hour <start_hour> Sets the start hour (0-24) for the booking (e.g., 22)
-u, --username <username> Sets the booker's username (e.g., John Doe)
-y, --year <year> Sets the year for the booking (e.g., 2020)
We currently provide two ways to book a pitch. Either via a configuration file written in YAML or via CLI options.
You can use a given configuration file as follows. E.g., config/booking.yml
pitch: pav1
day: 1
month: 1
year: 2020
start_hour: 21
end_hour: 22
username: Jorge Jesus
email: [email protected]
fiscal_number: 123 123 123
phone: 911231212
address: Rua do Ouro
postcode: 1234-123
futbladaj -c config/booking.yml
# [SUCCESS] form submission successful
Alternatively, you can also run it by specifying the various available configuration options:
futbladaj -p poli -a "Old Street" -d 1 -m 1 -y 2020 -e [email protected] -S 22 -E 23 -f 123123123 -C 1234-123 -u "John Doe" -P 911231212
# [SUCCESS] form submission successful
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at dnlserrano/futbladaj
Copyright © 2019-present Daniel Serrano <danieljdserrano at protonmail>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Made in Portugal 🇵🇹 by dnlserrano