This repository includes demo source code and testing for series gRPC load balancing in this blog:
- HAProxy as load balancer.
- Service mesh in K8s with Istio and Envoy.
- Lookaside load balancing with xDS Envoy.
- Headless service in K8s.
I use k3d to run k3s in local machine.
After running, verify cluster with command k3d cluster list
local 1/1 2/2 true
If you have multiple cluster, you could switch between them with command kubectl config use-context k3d-<cluster_name>
, and verify by kubectl config current-context
k3d run a container as docker registry, so please make sure the port mapping to host machine is correct.
I use go task to group multiple commands in one alias.
Run command to generate gRPC code
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. ./model/service.proto