released this
22 Nov 00:33
45 commits
to master
since this release
Welcome to the v0.19.0-rc1 release of buildx!
This is a pre-release of buildx
Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at
- Tõnis Tiigi
- CrazyMax
- David Karlsson
- Jonathan A. Sternberg
- Akihiro Suda
- Guillaume Lours
- Laurent Goderre
- Sebastiaan van Stijn
Notable Changes
- Bake command now requires passing filesystem entitlements with
when your build needs to read or write files outside of your current working directory. This feature currently only reports a warning when using local Bake definition, but will start to produce error starting from v0.20 release. If you wish to enable the error in current release you can setBUILDX_BAKE_ENTITLEMENTS_FS=1
#2796 - Bake definition now support new object notation for the fields that previously required CSV strings as inputs (output, cache-from, cache-to, secret, ssh) #2758
- Bake definition now allows defining validation conditions to variables #2794
- Compose support has been updated to v2.4.4 #2806 #2780
- Metadata file values can now contain JSON array values #2777
- Improve error messages when using incorrect format for labels #2778
- FreeBSD and OpenBSD artifacts are now included in the release #2774 #2775 #2781
- Fix printing bake definition with empty Compose networks #2790
Dependency Changes
- github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1 -> v4.3.0
- github.com/compose-spec/compose-go/v2 v2.4.1 -> v2.4.4
- github.com/containerd/containerd v1.7.22 -> v1.7.24
- github.com/containerd/continuity v0.4.4 -> v0.4.5
- github.com/containerd/errdefs v0.1.0 -> v0.3.0
- github.com/containerd/typeurl/v2 v2.2.0 -> v2.2.3
- github.com/docker/cli v27.3.1 -> v27.4.0-rc.2
- github.com/docker/docker v27.3.1 -> v27.4.0-rc.2
- github.com/go-logr/logr v1.4.1 -> v1.4.2
- github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2 v2.16.0 -> v2.20.0
- github.com/moby/buildkit v0.17.0 -> v0.18.0-rc1
- github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.17.0 -> v1.20.2
- github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.5.0 -> v0.6.1
- github.com/prometheus/common v0.44.0 -> v0.55.0
- github.com/tonistiigi/fsutil 397af5306b5c -> 31cf1f437184
- go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp v0.46.1 -> v0.53.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracehttp v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.21.0 -> v1.28.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp v1.0.0 -> v1.3.1
- google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api ef581f913117 -> f6361c86f094
- google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc ef581f913117 -> f6361c86f094
- google.golang.org/grpc v1.66.2 -> v1.66.3
Previous release can be found at v0.18.0