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System Configuration

Lauritz Thamsen edited this page Jul 30, 2014 · 4 revisions


AURA uses Typesafe's Config library and the HOCON syntax for configuration.

Configuration Hierarchy

Immutable configuration objects are created at start up time and passed to the various system components. A configuration object is assembled through a hierarchical merge and subsequent resolve of the following configuration layers (higher number in the list means higher priority):

N Name What Description
1 reference.${type}.conf CP resource Default values.
2 runtime values dynamic Current Runtime values.
3 profile.${aura.profile}.conf CP resource A config profile for testing (optional).
4 ${aura.path.config}/aura.${type}.conf File User-defined values.
5 system properties Dynamic Current System properties.

Configuration Types

The ${type} parameter referred in the name column above identifies the type of configuration to be loaded. Possible type options are:

Type Value Used By
tm TaskManager instances.
wm WorkloadManager instances.
client AuraClient instances.
simulator LocalClusterSimulator instances.

The configuration options for a particular configuration type can be found in the corresponding reference.${type}.conf classpath resource. By default, all reference resources include a common configuration resource located named reference.conf and assign the entries under the default.* namespace to a configuration key coinciding with the current type (e.g. will inherit the configuration).

Configuration Structure

The following table describes the main configuration namespaces used in the system. Paths starting with ${type} exist for the tm, wm, and client configuration types.

Key Description
${type}.io.local Local buffer and channel configuration.
${type}.io.tcp TCP packats configuration.
${type}.io.netty Netty manager configuration.
${type}.io.rpc RPC servers configuration.
${type}.io.event Kryo events.
${type}.io.connection Channel connection configuration.
${type}.machine Machine descriptor for the current instance.
zookeeper Zookeper server configuration.
simulator Configuration for the cluster simulator.

Configuration Profiles

While reference.${type}.conf files can be used to override configuration parameters on a particular development or production environment, configuration profiles can be used to additionally load a resource named profile.${aura.profile}.conf from the aura-core module.

This can be useful when running integration tests on a CI server with limited resources. To use a configuration profile, set the aura.profile System property when you run the tests:

mvn -Daura.profile=travis test

Additionally, profile.user.conf is ignored by git, so you can use e.g. the profile.default.conf as a starting point for your own configuration by copying it to the same location.

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