Support from Haxe 3.4.x
to 4.3.x
This library is based on yield to provide a cross-platform implementation.
import coroutine.Routine;
function count():Routine {
var i = 0;
while(true) {
@yield return WaitNextFrame;
The above example will trace 0
, 1
, 2
, 3
, and so on at each step of the coroutine. To run, startCoroutine
must be called as follow:
import coroutine.CoroutineRunner;
function main() {
// Start a coroutine
var runner = new CoroutineRunner();
runner.startCoroutine( count() );
// Dummy loop for the example
new haxe.Timer(16).run = function() {
// Customize how/when to update your coroutines
// Set this at your convenience in your project
var processor = CoroutineProcessor.of(runner);
In this example the coroutine cout
is resuming with an interval of 16 ms.
Coroutines are functions that returns with @yield
any enum value of RoutineInstruction
enum RoutineInstruction {
Wait until the next frame,
then resume the routine.
Wait until the end of the current
frame, then resume the routine.
Wait `seconds` seconds, then resume the
routine at the beginning of the next frame.
Run `r` and wait until it is complete,
then resume the routine.
Wait while `f` returns `true`. The
routine resumes when `false` is returned.
To install the library, use haxelib install coroutine
and compile your program with --library coroutine
To clone the github repository, use
git clone
To tell haxelib where your development copy is installed, use
haxelib dev coroutine path/to/haxe-coroutine
To return to release builds use haxelib dev coroutine