ooetl is a minimal opinionated object oriented ETL framework.
The class-based nature of the framework allows to build complex dedicated classes, starting from simple abstract ones.
Python versions from 3.7.1 are supported.
The package is hosted on pypi, and can be installed, for example using pip:
pip install --upgrade "ooetl[all]"
pip install "ooetl[elastic]==1.1.2"
or poetry:
poetry add ooetl -Eall
poetry add ooetl -Eelastic
This is a quick tutorial on how to use the ooetl
module in order to fetch
data from a SQL source and store them into a CSV destination.
The ETL process is performed by invoking the etl()
method on a ooetl.ETL
The etl()
method is a shortcut to the sequence ooetl.ETL::extract().transform().load()
which is possible, as each method returns a pointer to the ooetl.ETL
When the ooetl.ETL
instance invokes the ooetl.ETL::extract()
method, it invokes the corresponging
method of the extractor. The method extracts the data from the source
into the ooetl.ETL::original_data
attribute of the ooetl.ETL
The ooetl.ETL::transform()
method is overridden in the instance and may be used to apply
custom data transformation, before the loading phase.
The data from ooetl.ETL::original_data
are then transformed into ooetl.ETL::processed_data
The ooetl.ETL::load()
method invokes the ooetl.Loader::load()
method storing the data from
into the defined destination.
The package provides a series of simple Extractors and Loaders, derived from common abstract classes.
- CSVExctractor - extracts data from a remote CSV
- ZIPCSVExctractor - extracts data from a remote zipped CSV
- HTMLParserExtractor - extracts data from a remote HTML page (requires html extra and needs to be extended)
- SparqlExtractor - extracts data from a remote SPARQL endpoint (requires sparql extra)
- SqlExtractor - extracts data from a RDBMS (requires mysql or postgresql extra)
- XSLExtractor - extracts data from a remote Excel file
- ZIPXLSExctractor - extracts data from an excel file within a remote zipped archive
- CSVLoader - loads data into a CSV
- JsonLoader - loads data into a json file
- ESLoader - loads data into an ES instance (requires elastic extra)
- DjangoBulkLoader - adds data in bulk to a django model (only works inside a django project)
- DjangoUpdateOrCreateLoader - adds data with an update or create logic into a django model (slow, only works within a django project)
The ooetl.ETL
abstract class is defined in the __init__.py
file of the ooetl
ETL classes implement a pipeline of extraction, transformation and load logic.
Aa a very basic example, here is how to extract data from a postgresql query, into a CSV file.
from ooetl import ETL
from ooetl.extractors import SqlExtractor
from ooetl.loaders import CSVLoader
sql="select id, name, inhabitants from popolo_area where istat_classification='COM' "
"order by inhabitants desc"
Extractors (and Loaders) may be easily extended within the projects using the ooetl
As an example, consider the following snippet, extending the abstract ooetl.HTMLParserExtractor
, that parser
the Italian government's site and extracts the list of officials, as CSV.
This example requires the html extra to be installed.
import requests
from lxml import html
from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector
from ooetl import ETL
from ooetl.extractors import HTMLParserExtractor
from ooetl.loaders import CSVLoader
class GovernoExtractor(HTMLParserExtractor):
def parse(self, html_content):
list_tree = html.fromstring(html_content)
items = []
for e in CSSSelector('div.content div.box_text a')(list_tree):
item_name = e.text_content().strip()
item_url = e.get('href').strip()
item_page = requests.get(item_url)
item_tree = html.fromstring(item_page.content)
item_par = CSSSelector('div.content div.field')(item_tree)[0]
item_charge = CSSSelector('blockquote p')(item_par)[0].text_content().strip()
item_descr = " ".join([
e.text_content() for e in CSSSelector('p')(item_par)[1:] if\
e.text_content() is not None
'nome': item_name,
'url': item_url,
'incarico': item_charge,
'descrizione': item_descr
return items
Other, more complex examples can be found in the examples
There is no guaranteed support available, but authors will try to keep up with issues and merge proposed solutions into the code base.
This project is currently being developed by the Openpolis Foundation and is being used interanally.
Currently extras for elasticsearch and sparql have been developed.
Should more be needed, you can either ask to increase the coverage, or try to contribute, following instructions below.
In order to contribute to this project:
- verify that python 3.7.1+ is being used (or use pyenv)
- verify or install poetry, to handle packages and dependencies in a leaner way, with respect to pip and requirements
- clone the project
git clone [email protected]:openpolis/ooetl.git
- install the dependencies in the virtualenv, with
poetry install -Eall
, this will also install the dev dependencies and all extras - develop and test
- create a pull request
- wait for the maintainers to review and eventually merge your pull request into the main repository
Tests are under the tests folder, and can be launched with
Requests and responses from ATOKA's API are mocked, in order to avoid having to connect to the remote service during tests (slow and needs an API key).
Coverage is installed as a dev dependency and can be used to see how much of the package's code is covered by tests:
coverage run -m pytest
# sends coverage report to terminal
coverage report -m
# generate and open a web page with interactive coverage report
coverage html
open htmlcov/index.html
Syntax can be checked with flake8
Coverage and flake8 configurations are in their sections within setup.cfg
Guglielmo Celata - [email protected]
This package is released under an MIT License, see details in the LICENSE.txt file.