This is a simple Pong game implemented in Actionscript 3.
The game is self-contained and starts automatically. There is no menu or configuration options.
- Up Arrow: Move right handle up
- Down Arrow: Move right handle down
- W: Move left handle up
- S: Move left handle down
- Space: Continue after the ball goes out of bounds
The first player to reach 10 points wins.
The code is organized using object-oriented programming, but it doesn't adhere to any specific design patterns or principles.
Main Classes:
- Pong: The main class containing the game logic and event handling.
- Ball: Represents the ball, managing its position, velocity, and collision detection.
- Handle: Represents the paddles, handling movement and interaction with the ball.
- Player: Represents a player, managing their score and handle.
- Counter: Displays the score of each player.
- PongSoundPlayer: Handles playing sound effects and background music.
The game loop updates the position of the ball and handles collision detection with the paddles, walls, and out-of-bounds areas. When the ball collides with a paddle, it bounces off. When the ball goes out of bounds, the corresponding player scores a point.
The game ends when one of the players reaches the specified score limit (default is 10).