Build artifacts are available on maven central.
Bugs already known:
Change logs:
59a89b8: Remove unnecessary cast
4c27477: Add a way to use custom coap endpoint for LeshanClient
931db98: Use only 1 thread to handle DTLS connection by default in LeshanClient
a4c7523: Remove workaround for bug fixed in Californium 2.0.0M5
420a9f7: enhance hack in tests: use Connector to send fake notification
cd4c1d6: Use Californium 2.0.0-M5 version
6b1d7eb: Security store no more mandatory for secured endpoint + javadoc
3b52d54: Rename nonsecure in unsecured in LeshanBootstrapServer
008f8d4: Add a way to deactivate secured/unsecured endpoints for bootstrap server
d6735a2: Rename nonsecure in unsecured in LeshanServer
61ed8ca: Add a way to deactivate secured or unsecured endpoints for Leshan Server
1f63049: Add a way to use custom coap endpoint for LeshanBootstrapServer
95566f2: Add a way to use custom coap endpoint for LeshanServer
d14a7c3: Add default CoAP config in LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder, use it in Demo
54d7d8f: Add default CoAP config in LeshanServerBuilder and use it in Demo
49f483a: Fix Formatting
1efdd04: Disable secured or unsecured endpoint in ClientDemo when it's possible
1eb1189: Rename nonsecure in unsecured in LeshanClient
e3479f8: Use Leshan Client default config in LeshanClientDemo
c728b0f: Add option to deactivate unsecure or secure endpoint for leshan client.
0a824be: Change default networkConfig for Client.
e1d6415: Raise IllegalStateException if we can not extract identity from Exchange
2d57883: Fix concurrent issue between stop/update on leshan client
a6c55c8: Support Californium X509 Prinicipal as identity
09abf95: Add a way to tweak DTLS configuration for Leshan bootstrap server.
dfc8269: Add a builder for the bootstrap server
607c088: Add a way to tweak DTLS configuration for Leshan client.
d538772: Add a way to tweak DTLS configuration for Leshan Server.
c95a637: Rename NetworkConfig in CoapConfig
8c65303: demo: Added mDNS services broadcasting for CoAP and Http
af8b2fd: Registration listener API changes
7fb3544: Add Wakaama test model to Leshan Server Demo
254155d: Use NullMessageIdTracker from Cf instead of SimpleMessageIdProvider
abe95f5: Fix API break on DTLSConnectorConfigBuilder (setAddress)
c311059: Fix CoapRequestBuilderTest cause of coapRequest.getURI() behavior change
09fee7d: Fix API break on MessageObserver
e9218fe: Use Californium 2.0.0-M4 version
4084a7d: Update Legal part of Contribution Guide.
5b7e7b9: Fix typo in exception message.