Build artifacts are available on maven central.
Support of Queue Mode at server side with the introduction of PresenceService.
Integration of Californium 2.0.0-M9.
Many thanks to @carlosgp143, @rkimsb2 and @balsmn for their Leshan contributions !
Change logs
cc9740a: #482 : Server ID resource is optional for bootstrap server.
c8e1538: Queue Mode Integration Tests added
36a3ea3: Update to californium 2.0.0-M9.
790fe57: #486: Fix INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR name
b27e954: Implemented the update of AdditionalRegistration parameters
1c322bf: Added ClientAwakeTimeInformation to change the default 93 sec.
99dbc67: Remove deprecated usage of new CoapEndpoint()
2112e13: Use Set instead of List for TokenToReg index
b7c0257: Do not add TokenToRegister index when using putifabsent if not absent
ae02eaf: Update to californium 2.0.0 M8.
b27fb6c: #473: Include logback.xml in jar as default config for demo
a19519b: #473: use $working_directory/logback-config.xml as default config
c23dcbf: Make git ignores logback config in classpath
f1d23e7: #473: move logback-test.xml to root and configure surefire to use it
c1659d7: BootstrapHandler log level cleanup
b30a6c2: Add a way to deactivate "PresenceService"
6b51cc0: Finalization of QueueMode support (server side) based on PresenceService
5a6b147: Initial work about a simplified Queue mode API adding PresenceService
bff7763: Fix #166: Use Atomic long instead of hashcode
f0f45b9: Fix unstable test : BindException: Address already in use (Bind failed)
7ba5bf1: Return Map instead of Collection for LwM2mClient.getObjectEnablers()
b6bfe60: Fix #463 : Remove optimization for encoding single instance object.
ee77166: Fix Tests from examples of the LWM2M specitication 1.0.1
4f63114: Empty payload should not have Content-Format: 0 (text/plain)