- jhipster pom modified to deploy artifacts to maven
- ansible playbook to install and configure a mariadb database
- ansible playbook to install jhipster app as systemctl (directly from maven)
- ansible directory structure for multi stage environment
- improving multi stage environment configuration
- add reverse proxy/load balancing features
- use ansible vault
spin up nexus repository
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus sonatype/nexus:oss
configure maven credentials into your maven settings.xml
build jhipster app and upload it to maven
cd jhipster-app && ./mvnw -Pprod deploy -DskipTests=true
run vagrant
vagrant up
configure database
ansible-playbook -i environments/local database.yml
configure jhipster app
ansible-playbook -i environments/local jhipster.yml
got to http://localhost:8080
Useful links: