Assuming KDE.
Update packages.
Setup system settings: power, displays, language (American English interface, Czech formats), keyboard layout switching (alt + shift)
Install Chrome (using deb directly from its website).
Setup terminal preferences: disable bell, set solarized-light scheme and palette, (and possibly keyboard shortcuts).
Generate a SSH key, add it to ssh-agent and to your GitHub account.
Install git and clone this repo:
sudo apt update sudo apt install git mkdir repos; cd repos git clone [email protected]:effa/config.git ln -s ~/repos/config/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
Make links to dotfiles:
ln -s ~/repos/config/.bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases ln -s ~/repos/config/.bashrc ~/.bashrc ln -s ~/repos/config/.mostrc ~/.mostrc ln -s ~/repos/config/.XCompose ~/.XCompose
Install vim:
sudo apt install vim-gtk3 # for clipboard support. git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim ln -s ~/repos/config/.vimrc ~/.vimrc vim +PluginInstall +qall
Add custom keyboard layout:
sudo cp ~/repos/config/xkb/te /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/te
Add the following lines to
.<layout> <configItem> <name>te</name> <shortDescription>tom</shortDescription> <description>Czech (Tom)</description> <languageList> <iso639Id>cs</iso639Id> </languageList> </configItem> <variantList> </variantList> </layout>
Restart the window manager and select the Tom layout in the keyboard setting.
systemctl restart display-manager
Setup keybindings (see below).
Install Inkscape (use ppa for the latest stable version):
sudo add-apt-repository sudo apt update sudo apt install inkscape ln -s ~/repos/config/colors.gpl ~/.config/inkscape/palettes/MyPalette.gpl
Install LaTeX and latexmk.
sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra latexmk ln -s ~/repos/config/.latexmkrc ~/.latexmkrc
Install bat and setup:
ln -s ~/repos/config/bat ~/.config/bat/config