Applied Data Science project
Data from
Variables: fg (point wind gust), prlst (mean precipitation)
- Bob1
- Bob7
- TC01B
- Akash
- Sidr
- Rashmi
- Aila
- Roanu
- Viyaru
- Mora
- Fani
- Bulbul (corrupted)
There are six files for each hurricane (three for wind, three for fg and three for prlst). They are organised as follows:
full_cyclones (contains data in the full 4.4km range)
* hurricane_fg (data only for the eye of the hurricane, rest is nans)
* hurricane_prlst (as above)
eyes (contains data centered around the eye of the hurricane, size 257x257)
* hurricane_fg_cut (data only for the eye of the hurricane, rest is nans)
* hurricane_prlst_cut (as above)
* hurricane_fg_full (data for the whole range)
* hurricane_prlst_full (as above)
This is a sample of how item 160 from hurricane Bob07 looks in each file:
The file summary.csv
contains information for each item in the files:
- Hurricane - hurricane name (see above list of hurricane data available, variable is a string all in lowercase)
- Item - index of image in the hurricane files
- WindReferenceTime - Initialisation date and time of each model run for wind data (should be the same as rain data) (see data documentation for more)
- WindPeriod - Time of the data relative to the forecast reference time (formatted as timedelta, ranges from 1 day 1h to 3 days, on the hour)(see data documentation for more)
- RainReferenceTime - Initialisation date and time of each model run for rain data (should be the same as wind data) (see data documentation for more)
- RainPeriod - Time dimension of the data in hours relative to the forecast reference time (formatted as timedelta, ranges from 1 day 30min to 2 days 23hours 30mins, on the half an hour) (see data documentation for more)
- Centre - Coordinates for the centre of the hurricane (see how it was calculated below)
- Valid - Boolean, indicates (roughly) if the hurricane has a good "hurricane shape" (see how it was calculated below)
Note that item i will have the same Reference Time for rain and wind but not the Period
Import modules, load the summary and convert to the correct units.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
summary = pd.read_csv('summary.csv')
summary['WindReferenceTime'] = pd.to_datetime(summary['WindReferenceTime'])
summary['WindPeriod'] = pd.to_timedelta(summary['WindPeriod'])
summary['RainReferenceTime'] = pd.to_datetime(summary['RainReferenceTime'])
summary['RainPeriod'] = pd.to_timedelta(summary['RainPeriod'])
Load the data from the .npz files
with np.load('full_cyclones/bob01_fg.npz', allow_pickle=True) as data:
wind = data['arr_0']
Find the information about item i from file hurricane_variable, and visualize that item.
summary.loc[(summary.Hurricane == 'bob01') & (summary.Item == i) ]
Load data of a type for all hurricanes
all_hurricanes = []
for name in summary.Hurricane.unique():
with np.load('ADS_data/eyes/' + name + '_fg_cut.npz', allow_pickle=True) as data:
wind = data['arr_0']
print(name + ' did not work. File is probably corrupted')
The points shown are those that have a value higher than 3 times the mean of the image, those below that threshold are NaN. Any remaining values that are outside of a 257x257 window centered around the eye of the hurricane are also set to NaN.
Scipy function unif2D
calculates the uniform filter of an image (replaces the value of a pixel by the mean value of an area centered at the pixel). Function largest_sum returns the position of the pixel with the highest average (which when applied to wind or rain data, will be around the centre of the hurricane). n determines size of the area.
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter as unif2D
def largest_sum(a, n):
idx = unif2D(a.astype(float),size=n, mode='constant').argmax()
return np.unravel_index(idx, a.shape)
Slightly lazy but roughly works - samples where the isolated hurricane has less than 3000 non-nan pixels are classed as False. (potential improvement here)
Another good way to remove noise nearer to the hurricane (meaning small, non-connected spots) is the following (method inspired by this doc. This is not yet implemented.
from skimage import morphology
im = centre_winds_cut[2].copy()
selem = morphology.disk(3)
# Generates a flat, disk-shaped structuring element of radius 3.
res = morphology.black_tophat(im, selem)
# Returns image except the dark spots that are smaller than the structuring element (ie selem)
mask = np.isnan(im - res) # Mask returns True if a value is NaN is either the full image or it's black tophat
im_new = im.copy()
im_new[mask == True] = np.nan # Change to nan those values that have changed after doing the black tophat
The effect can be seen here (bigger disk size will remove bigger spots):