- Robots (in green) move randomly collecting debri (orange boxes)
- Robots only move within a radius of the base
- Once they have reached a certain capacity, they change colour to red and start moving towards the base using PSO (black circle) (read below for how this works)
- If in white, they have reached maximum capacity (but they will still continue moving and picking up debri - to be improved)
- Once in dropoff radius, they drop off their boxes (which turn black) and start roaming again
- After a given number of drop-offs, base starts moving slowly - robutts move with it to next section of the beach to clean
- If a robutt goes outside of the allowed radius, stops moving and turns black
- Robots do not have a system of geo-localization
- Base emits some type of signal (eg. UWB) that robutts can read accurately and use to calculate their distance with respect to the base
- When they need to return to the base, they do the following algorithm
move in random direction
if signal_now is better than signal_before, keep direction
if signal_before is better than signal_now, change direction
Note: code was developed from https://github.com/hogg377/evo_demo swarm simulation