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Embark 0.4.0 (0.4.2)

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@iurimatias iurimatias released this 22 Jun 12:17
· 6205 commits to master since this release

New to Embark?

If you are new to Embark, see the Quick Guide or consult the wiki for a more complete documentation.

To Update to 0.4.0

npm update -g embark-framework

And install pyethereum and to use the new spec functionality.

Note: 0.4.2 has been released and is compatible with geth 0.9.33

In this release

Test Driven Development

You can run specs with embark spec, it will run any files ending *_spec.js under spec/.

Embark includes a testing lib to fastly run & test your contracts in a EVM.

# spec/contracts/simple_storage_spec.js
EmbarkSpec = require('embark-framework').Tests;

describe("SimpleStorage", function() {
  beforeAll(function() {
    // equivalent to initializing SimpleStorage with param 150
    SimpleStorage = EmbarkSpec.request("SimpleStorage", [150]);

  it("should set constructor value", function() {

  it("set storage value", function() {


Embark uses Jasmine by default, but you can use any testing framework you want.

Contracts configuration

Embark now allows you to:

  • configure gas costs per contract and per environment
  • configure arguments to initialize a contract
  • specify other contracts as arguments to contracts

e.g specify gas costs and arguments:

# config/contracts.yml
      gas_limit: 500000
      gas_price: 10000000000000
        - 100

e.g specify a contract as an argument to another contract. Embark will automatically use the up to date contract address.

# config/contracts.yml
        - 100
        - $MyStorage
         - "initial string"
        - $SimpleStorage

Update guide

See "embark demo" for differences. It's best to just start "embark new", in future versions there will be an "embark update" option. However, at the moment if you need to update an existing app without starting over, then the following should work:

in package.json for the depedencies

  • update to embark 0.4.0
  • update to embark 0.4.2

followed by npm install. You'll also need to add contracts.yml to your config folder.

Future updates

There is still a long road ahead! Upcoming updates will focus on integration with Meteor, further improving the deployment, and addressing technical debt. Please keep the feedback coming, it's appreciated! :)


Special thanks to Ryan Casey, Viktor Tron and Christian Reitwiessne