Embark 0.7.0
New to Embark?
If you are new to Embark, see the Quick Guide or consult the wiki for a more complete documentation.
To Update to 0.7.0
npm update -g embark-framework
you'll need to add embark.yml
file to your project and the folder tasks
. run embark demo
to see the differences.
In this release
This release completely decouples grunt allowing you to use any structure or build environment you wish, including meteor.
Meteor support
to try out meteor with embark:
embark meteor_demo
cd embark_demo
in one command line:
embark blockchain
and in another:
embark deploy
to deploy the contracts and generate the bindings file
followed by:
to run the server
note: embark run
support might be added in future versions
Deploying to IPFS with Meteor
The build and IPFS commands are also supported. For building your meteor app for distribution simply do
embark build
note: this makes use of the "meteor-build-client" created by Fabian Vogelsteller and packs nicely the client part of a meteor app.
To release to IPFS
embark ipfs
Which will build your meteor app and make it available in IPFS.
Use Embark with any build pipeline, or structure you wish
Embark now comes with a file called embark.yml
, this file looks as follows:
type: "manual" # options can be "grunt", "meteor" and "manual"
contracts: ["app/contracts/**/*.sol"] #directory where your contracts live
output: "src/embark.js" #where to output the files with the bindings to the deployed contracts
blockchainConfig: "config/blockchain.yml" #config for the blockchains
contractsConfig: "config/contracts.yml" #config for the contracts
Grunt plugin decoupled
Grunt has been moved to its own plugin, see the Readme. You can use the plugin simply as by adding the something like this to your Gruntfile:
deploy: {
contracts: ["app/contracts/**/*.sol"],
dest: "embark_client.js"
Embark by default with come with an example boilerplate that uses this plugin.
Support for gulp, broccolijs, etc...
The door is now open for plugins that use embark in pretty much any pipelines and build systems.
Web3.js update
Web3.js lib has be updated to 0.9.3. Note that with the changes in this release you can now easily use any version of web3.js you need.
Production environment
The boilerplate and demos configs now come with a 'production' environment, in preparation for frontier!
workaround for last geth 0.9.39 / 0.9.40
If you have installed the latest geth / frontier. you might see a liability disclaimer which causes issues with embark. This might be fixed in 0.7.1, as a workaround however you can run:
mkdir -p /tmp/embark/keystore
Update guide
See "embark demo" for differences. It's best to just start "embark new".
in package.json for the depedencies
- update to embark 0.7.0
followed by npm install. You'll also need to add embark.yml to your apps folder, with the line type: "grunt"
Special thanks to Marek Kotewicz and Fabian Vogelsteller