Embark 2.1.0
To Update to 2.1.0
Embark's npm package has changed from embark-framework
to embark
, this sometimes can create conflicts. To update first uninstall embark-framework 1 to avoid any conflicts with npm uninstall -g embark-framework
followed by npm install -g embark
to update from 2.0.1:
npm install -g [email protected]
afterwards make sure embark version
returns 2.1.0
In this release
Solc 0.4.0
Embark now uses Solc 0.4. To update your solidity contracts to solc 0.4:
- Add a version pragma to each file
pragma solidity ^0.4.2
- Change modifiers from
- Add the
modifier to functions that want to receive ether (constructor & fallback included)
Deployment and Gas estimation
Embark 2.1 improves the deployment system and the automatic gas estimation when using auto
. Previously there was a bug with certain contract configurations.
Dashboard improvements
- Errors with a deployed contract are not displayed in the contract state
- The current embark version is displayed on the available services
- Embark now displays the name of ethereum node it's currently connected to in available services.
Misc Bugfixes and Improvements
- Fixed a bug where contracts with errors were being incorrectly cached & retrieved from chains.json
- Fixed per-contract gasPrice override in the contracts.json config
- Fixed Embark contract.deploy() function so it treats no arguments as an empty list of arguments. (i.e contract.deploy() will do the same as contract.deploy([])
- Fix "deploy": false option, which was not working in certain edge cases
- Display gas used for deployment in the logs
- Add more helpful message when a deployment error is caused by a constructor error
To discuss about Embark or Dapp development, please join us at the gitter channel
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