This project contains a React component called Console
that displays data from WalletConnect and Moralis APIs with a typing effect. The component allows users to view wallet information, NFTs, and transactions by entering an Ethereum address.
- Typing Effect: Text is displayed with a typing effect using a custom hook.
- Data Display: Displays wallet information, NFTs, and transactions.
- Search Functionality: Users can search for data by entering an Ethereum address.
- Interactive UI: Includes clickable file tabs and buttons for interacting with the console.
To run this project, you need to have Node.js installed on your machine. You can download and install Node.js from here.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd walletconnect.moralis
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
To starting Moralis API - use component:
import Moralis from 'moralis';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
* Starts the Moralis API.
* This component is responsible for initializing the Moralis API with the provided API key.
* It uses the `useEffect` hook to ensure that the API is started only once, when the component mounts.
* @example
* import React from 'react';
* import MoralisStart from './MoralisStart';
* const App = () => {
* return (
* <div>
* <MoralisStart />
* // Rest of the app components
* </div>
* );
* };
* @returns {null} This component does not render any UI elements.
const MoralisStart: React.FC = () => {
useEffect(() => {
* Starts the Moralis API with the provided API key.
* @async
* @throws {Error} If the REACT_APP_API_MORALIS environment variable is not defined.
const startMoralis = async () => {
try {
if (!process.env.REACT_APP_API_MORALIS) {
throw new Error('REACT_APP_API_MORALIS is not defined');
await Moralis.start({
apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_API_MORALIS,
});'Moralis started successfully');
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error starting Moralis');
return () => {};
}, []);
return null;
export default MoralisStart;
import { createWeb3Modal } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react'
import { defaultWagmiConfig } from '@web3modal/wagmi/react/config'
import { WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi'
import { arbitrum, mainnet } from 'wagmi/chains'
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
const queryClient = new QueryClient()
const projectId = process.env.REACT_APP_API_WALLET_CONNECT
const metadata = {
name: 'WalletConnect & Moralis APIs',
description: 'WalletConnect to website by enndy',
url: '',
icons: ['']
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum] as const
const config = defaultWagmiConfig({
wagmiConfig: config,
enableAnalytics: true, // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration
enableOnramp: true // Optional - false as default
* Web3ModalProvider
* A provider component that wraps the WagmiProvider and QueryClientProvider.
* It provides the Web3Modal configuration and query client to the application.
* @param {ReactNode} children - The children components to render.
* @returns {ReactElement} The Web3ModalProvider component.
* Example:
* ```
* import React from 'react';
* import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
* import { Web3ModalProvider } from './Web3ModalProvider';
* const App = () => {
* return (
* <Web3ModalProvider>
* <YourApp />
* </Web3ModalProvider>
* );
* };
* ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
* ```
export function Web3ModalProvider({ children }) {
return (
<WagmiProvider config={config}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>{children}</QueryClientProvider>
import { Web3Modal } from "@web3modal/wagmi";
import { cookieStorage } from "@wagmi/core";
* Retrieves the user's Ethereum address and chain ID.
* This function checks if the Ethereum object is present in the window object,
* and if so, attempts to enable the Ethereum provider to access the user's account.
* If the user grants access, the function returns an object containing the user's
* Ethereum address and chain ID. If the user denies access or the Ethereum object
* is not found, the function returns an empty object.
* @example
* const addressInfo = await getAddress();
* console.log(addressInfo.address); // "0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e"
* console.log(addressInfo.chainId); // 1
* @returns {Promise<object>} An object containing the user's Ethereum address and chain ID.
const getAddress = async (): Promise<object> => {
let _web3: Web3Modal;
const ethereum = (window as any).ethereum;
let userAddress = '';
if (ethereum) {
if (!ethereum.selectedAddress) {
try {
await ethereum.enable();
} catch (error) {
console.error("User denied account access", error);
userAddress = ethereum.selectedAddress;
cookieStorage.setItem("address", ethereum.selectedAddress);
console.log("Wallet is connecting", ethereum.selectedAddress);
} else {
console.error("Ethereum object not found in window");
return {
address: userAddress,
chainId: ethereum.chainId
export default getAddress;
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
// @ts-ignore
import getAddress from './getAddress.tsx';
// @ts-ignore
import MoralisStart from "../components/Moralis/MoralisStart.tsx";
import Moralis from 'moralis';
interface TypesLocal {
chain: string;
address: string;
* Hook to fetch and return user data from Moralis API.
* @param {string} [address] - Optional address to fetch data for.
* @param {string} [chainId] - Optional chain ID to fetch data for.
* @returns {object} - An object containing the user's data, including NFTs, balance, wallet, and transactions.
* @example
* const data = useData('0x1234567890abcdef', '0x1');
* console.log(data);
* // Output:
* // {
* // nft: [...],
* // balance: 10.5,
* // wallet: {...},
* // transactions: [...]
* // }
const useData = (address?: string, chainId?: string) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<{
nft?: any;
balance?: number;
wallet?: any;
transactions?: any;
useEffect(() => {
const walletRegex = /^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$/;
async function asyncGA() {
const object = await getAddress();
const localInfo: TypesLocal = {
chain: object?.chainId || "0x1",
address: object?.address || undefined,
const searchInfo: TypesLocal = {
chain: chainId || "0x1",
address: address || undefined,
const fetchAddress = async (info: TypesLocal, addressWallet: string) => {
const balance = await Moralis.EvmApi.balance.getNativeBalance(info);
const nft = await Moralis.EvmApi.nft.getWalletNFTs(info);
const wallet = await Moralis.EvmApi.wallets.getWalletActiveChains({address: addressWallet});
const transactions = await Moralis.EvmApi.transaction.getWalletTransactions({
"chain": "0x1",
"order": "DESC",
"address": addressWallet
const balanceWei = balance.raw.balance;
nft: nft.raw,
balance: balanceWei / Math.pow(10, 18),
wallet: wallet.raw,
transactions: transactions.raw.result,
if (!address && !chainId && object.address && object.chainId && walletRegex.test(object.address)) {
fetchAddress(localInfo, object.address);
} else if (address && chainId && walletRegex.test(address)) {
fetchAddress(searchInfo, address);
}, [address, chainId]);
return data;
export default useData;
const { nft: resultNFTs, wallet: resultWallet, balance, transactions } = useData();
const walletRegex = /^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$/;
// example
if(walletRegex.test(YOUR_ADDRESS)) {
chain: YOUR_CHAIN || "0x1",
address: YOUR_ADDRESS || undefined,
const balance = await Moralis.EvmApi.balance.getNativeBalance({
chain: YOUR_CHAIN || "0x1",
address: YOUR_ADDRESS || undefined,
const nft = await Moralis.EvmApi.nft.getWalletNFTs({
chain: YOUR_CHAIN || "0x1",
address: YOUR_ADDRESS || undefined,
const wallet = await Moralis.EvmApi.wallets.getWalletActiveChains({
address: YOUR_ADDRESS || undefined
const transactions = await Moralis.EvmApi.transaction.getWalletTransactions({
"chain": YOUR_CHAIN || "0x1",
"order": YOUR_ORDER || "DESC",
"address": YOUR_ADDRESS || undefined
// balance format
const balanceWei = balance.raw.balance;
const ethFormatBalance = balanceWei / Math.pow(10, 18)
* Hook to display text with a typing effect.
* @param {string} text - The text to display.
* @param {number} interval - The interval between each character display.
* @returns {string} The displayed text.
const useTextInterval = (text: string, interval: number) => {
const [result, setResult] = useState('');
const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
const intervalRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (index >= text.length) return;
intervalRef.current = setInterval(() => {
setResult(prevResult => prevResult + text[index]);
setIndex(prevIndex => prevIndex + 1);
}, interval);
return () => {
if (intervalRef.current) clearInterval(intervalRef.current);
}, [index, text, interval]);
return result;
// @ts-ignore
import style from '../../styles/Console.module.scss'
* Renders a console banner component.
* @returns {JSX.Element} The console banner component.
* @example
* import Banner from './Banner';
* const App = () => {
* return (
* <div>
* <Banner />
* </div>
* );
* };
const Banner = () => {
return (
<pre className={`${style.console__banner}`}>
$$ |
$$$$$$\\ $$$$$$$\\ $$$$$$$\\ $$$$$$$ |$$\\ $$\\
$$ __$$\\ $$ __$$\\ $$ __$$\\ $$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |
$$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |
$$ ____|$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |
\\$$$$$$$\\ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |\\$$$$$$$ |\\$$$$$$$ |
\\_______|\\__| \\__|\\__| \\__| \\_______| \\____$$ |
$$\\ $$ |
\\$$$$$$ |
export default Banner;
// # File "/src/styles/Console.module.scss"
.console__banner {
font-family: 'Lucida Console', sans-serif !important;
font-size: 10px;
color: #FFFFFF;
@media screen and (max-width: 385px) {
font-size: 8px;